Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Obstinate?

one who stubbornly adheres to an attitude of sexualabstinence esp. intercourse.

Sharlene: " come-on babe you know we're both aching for it, it's been like forever since we both made like the beast with one hump".

Shane: "I'm sorry honey but you know I've made a vow of abstinence, so please respect my vows and just be patient and when the time is right...blah blah..."

Sharlene: "Yeah whatever, sounds more like a vow of obstinance..."

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Obstinate - video


Obstinate - what is it?

W. Kroll

W. Kroll is a very obstinate employee.

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What does "Obstinate" mean?

A worm-like parasite that will drain you of all your resources and use them to kill your friends before killing you as well. After doing so it moves on to the next host.

Also defined as a headache.

Is obstinance in your town again?

👍29 👎13

Obstinate - what does it mean?

An unreleased song by The Strokes, written by Albert, for the end of their 40 minute home movie "In Transit" filming their tour through Europe in 2001. Consists of 2 lines of lyrics (repeated), a twangy guitar, bass, drums, and a keyboard.

The chorus consists of a high pitched keyboard melody.

I'm not gonna change 'till I want to...

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Obstinate - meaning

stubborn, determined, persistent, adamant

He was so obstinate about his decision, that he wouldn't let her show him some ups about a better choice.

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Obstinate - definition

stubborn and unwilling to listen to another persons view

he's being so obstinant he won't even listen to you

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Obstinate - slang

1. Stubborn: Determined not to agree with other people's wishes or accept their suggestions.

2. Refusing to change: Unwilling to change or give up something such as an idea or attitude.

3. Difficult to control, get rid of, solve, or cure.

Obstinate people often are annoying and dumbass nooblets.

*Stubborn, determined, annoying, unwilling and always think they're right.

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