Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Oboma?

Biggest load of bullshit you will ever hear about in your entire life .

I can't believe you fild for {Oboma care} not how are you going to pay off your medical bills .

👍31 👎17

Oboma - video


Oboma - what is it?

The name of the day when the first African-American president is elected in any country!

"Well there's another one elected, this day is an Oboma-nation!"

👍75 👎87

What does "Oboma" mean?

Made presidential history, first retard elected.

Our new president is totaly oboma

👍575 👎277

Oboma - what does it mean?

1. The 44th president of the United States.
2. The author of the best-selling book How to Be a Liberal, with a foreword by Crooked Hillary.
3. The last sight you'll see before getting sent to a FEMA concentration camp.

"Read this book by Oboma! It's about how patriotism is offensive!"

👍25 👎11