Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ONEIDA?

small town in NY where the only thing to do is go to Walmart

person one - I’m from Oneida, NY
person two - me too. let’s go to Walmart.

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ONEIDA - meme gif

ONEIDA meme gif

ONEIDA - video


ONEIDA - what is it?

1. Brand of silverware.
2. Small town in Tn where the only thing to do is go to Walmart.

A) Have you ever been to Oneida?
B) There is nothing there!

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What does "ONEIDA" mean?

Oneida is a small city in New York. Every walk of life lives here. Many people on the north side are burnouts, prostitutes, and scumbags. Almost all the guys say ridiculous things, and they all think they are tough. Almost everyone has smoked weed and cheating is very common. Yet they all claim they aren't the scum of the area. The normal and classier people llive on the south and west side of Oneida. Everything is within walking distance. There are very few things to do in Oneida; Movies, shop at Walmart, and eat at the fast food restaurants.

A) "Yo Chur mudder"
B) "You must be from Oneida"

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ONEIDA - what does it mean?

A Native American tribe. One of the six tribes of the Haudenosaunee or Iroquois confederacy. Located in territories across Ontario, Wisconsin and New York.

The Oneida call themselves "People of the Standing Stone" based on a legend of when the were running from an enemy tribe and survived by turning into stones in the woods.

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ONEIDA - meaning

Oneida is a small city in New York. Every walk of life lives here. Many people on the north side are burnouts, prostitutes and scumbags. The normal and classier people live on the South and West side of Oneida. The Oneida Heights is where doctors, teachers, foreigners, and people with loads of inherited money live. Everything is within walking distance. There are few things to do in Oneida; movies, shop in select stores and eat in the menagerie of fast food joints on Route 5. Oneida Silversmiths produced all silverware and china. Received it's name from the Oneida Indian Tribe. Near the Turning Stone Casino. John Humphrey Noyes created the utopia called the Oneida Community.

What do you do for fun?
-Nothing, I live in Oneida.
Where did you get your silverware?
-From Oneida SilverSmiths

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ONEIDA - definition

Oneida is one of the prettiest girls in the world, and she smiles so bright, Heaven is jealous. When you get an Oneida to be your friend, thank the Lord because she will be the kindest, sweetest, smartest, funniest, most loyal, most beautiful person you will ever meet. Although they are known sometimes have attitude and to want to win arguments just for fun, Oneida will still be just as good a friend they have always been in the end, and they will realize that there is no point in arguing with you if you are good friends who are free to have your own opinions.


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