Definder - what does the word mean?

What is OLO?

Cock and balls.

My olo is bigger than your olo.

👍515 👎335

OLO - meme gif

OLO meme gif

OLO - video


OLO - what is it?

After getting tired of everyone typing lol i decided to use olo and realized it was a pictorial of a pair of balls and a rather short cock....kind of like my own.

dwray_sx: olo
hyperstyle7: look at that cock and balls man

👍1099 👎543

What does "OLO" mean?

saggy. Referred to Male genitals.

Ho, look your olo-olo's.

👍55 👎29

OLO - what does it mean?

When a waitress named Jessica is required to put together an online togo order

"We have an OLO."
Every other worker walks away because that is Jessicas job

👍27 👎15

OLO - meaning

A ship name for 2 people madly in love.

Wow OLO is real!

👍27 👎13

OLO - definition

When me and a friend were chatting in an IM, I misspelled 'lol' and typed 'olo.' Thus we decided to call it an 'old lesbian orgy.'

1: dude yadda
2: olo
1: old lesbian orgy!

👍59 👎83

OLO - slang

Out Loud Orgasm (the better way of saying lol)

1-Derrin had an OLO when he felt Daniels fluffy neck

2- xavier had an OLO when he killed a baby panda

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'Ownself laugh ownself'. When someone cracks a joke and laughs loudly, even if no one else finds it funny.

Albert rolled his eyes when Kwan OLO-ed for the hundredth time.

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Someone who is laughing too loud and accidently type OLO; or is a geek named Brad and uses it as a smiley face! Can also be used multiple times to show being stupid on purpose. See lamer

The Archer Ian: Hi!

The Archer Ian: Hey Brad did you see that really funny movie where this guy farted?
Kefka505: oLo;; Nope...

The Archer Ian: I farted on my cat who's allergic to farts!

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Stands for "Out Loud Orgasm." A very attractive person, even more attractive than George Clooney in the eyes of a 50 year old woman. An 11 out of ten on "the scale."

Tasha: Dayum! Latisha! OLO, three o'clock!
Latisha: * drools uncontrollably*

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