Definder - what does the word mean?

What is No Manches?

a dirty male pirate hooker

"You're such a manch" (as an insult)

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No Manches - video


No Manches - what is it?

a man-bitch MANCH another word for friend,bro or any other type of affectionate name

this is my Manch we go way back. hey manch get over here. hes my manch.

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What does "No Manches" mean?

A colloquial term on the internet meaning "mansex" or homosexual male sexual relations. It comes from the term "mansechs", which was (is) a popular way of spelling "mansex" on many internet forums and that bastion of the linguistically adept, IRC.

Him? Oh, he doesn't like women anymore. He has given in to the dark force that is teh manches.

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No Manches - what does it mean?

Sperm that resembles ranch salad dressing.

I was tossing Jordonas salad and then I squeezed my manch all over her!

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No Manches - meaning

a.k.a. "Manch Dressing"

Sperm, semen, ejaculate, cum, jizz... what have you, manch is what some people like to refer to their penile secretions, especially when said fluids resemble the color and consistency of ranch salad dressing.

Hey baby, you look like you could use some manch dressing on that pube salad!

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No Manches - definition

Another word for mansechs.

Rage3d = teh manches

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No Manches - slang

Applies specifically to the region on Manchester, New Hampshire (not Manchester England). Most directly translated refers to the act of shoving ballon animals filled with black tar heroin into one's rectum.

"Hey bruh, sorry I didn't answer any of your calls. I was too busy manching."

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No Manches

Literally means, "don't stain". but its metaphoric meaning is somewhat like saying "stop kidding" or "are you serious?(rhetorically speaking)"

Ryan: Dude, my girlfriend slapped me in the face before i broke up with her.

Omar: no manches dude.

Ryan: true story.

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No Manches

Mexican Castellano idiom for stop kidding around, " don't jerk my chain ", No Way or whatever.

"No manches, are you really going to cross the border illegally?"

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No Manches

Mexican slang for β€œquit playing” or β€œare you serious?” or β€œno cap?”

Pedro: β€œdid you hear? pablo called rixgoberta a pendeja today”
Adrian: β€œΒ‘no manches, gΓΌey! you’re joking”

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