Definder - what does the word mean?

What is NiggerFaggot?


Originating from the Greco-Roman β€œnigger,” and the Latin-based β€œfaggot.”


Original pronunciation: NIGGERFAGGOT!

"Get that Niggerfaggot out of here!"

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NiggerFaggot - video


NiggerFaggot - what is it?

The current Explanation to who Idubbz is

1:Get that Niggerfaggot off my stage
2:What are you fucking gay?

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What does "NiggerFaggot" mean?

Typically a word used back in the olden days meaning niggerfaggot

Looking the mirror, what do you see?
Just an ugly niggerfaggot standing next to me NIGGERFAGGOT!

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NiggerFaggot - what does it mean?

A child whom'st parents consisted of a mother that is a nigger (nigger meaning ignorant, unclean, uneducated, and foolish individual no matter sexuality, race, gender, ect.) and a father that is a faggot (faggot meaning a male homosexual)

how did niggerfaggot Dan's parents have him if his dad is gay?

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NiggerFaggot - meaning

1.A black person who is a faggot.
2.Someone Nobody wants around.

Contestant: Can I have a definition?
Judge: NiggerFaggot.
Contestant: Really?
Judge: No. Not really.

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NiggerFaggot - definition

1. IdubbbzTV
2. Racial Slur + Gay Slur

James - "Holy Fuck is that guy a niggerfaggot"
Austin - "No Fuck, that's Idubbbz"

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NiggerFaggot - slang

A word to describe a stupid nigger whom has been roasting your sketchers. It's also used if you completely run out of insults you looked up on the internet so you use a simple slur referring to the African race.

White School Shooter: Quit roasting my sketchers you dumb penis head. It hurts my feelings Kys

Black Person: shut yo white ass the fuck up fool, Don't mess with my niggas from the hood dog. I'll beat yo fucking ass up with my squad

White school shooter: niggerfaggot , you'll be the first person I'll shoot up at skewl.

Black Person: okay, yes.

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Slang term used towards blacks who are homosexuals

"bro he is such a NiggerFaggot ."
"Yea he is taking big black dick."

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A gay nigger

that dude is a niggerfaggot

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An African American gentleman who also happens to be homosexual.

Oh hey, it's a NiggerFaggot!

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