Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Newton abbot?

Newton abbot is a small town in the south Devon of England but fuck me there's loads of roadmen and chavs about, there's pubs, barbers and asda and thats about it. Everyone's a cocky shit in Newton.

Dave:Do you know newton abbot
Bob:ye it's a fuckin shithole

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Newton abbot - video


Newton abbot - what is it?

A large market town in south Devon inhabited by drunken Londoners and Chavs. The town became a shithole in the 1980s after Dr Beeching closed down the townโ€™s railway works. Every street is full of Charity shops, Turkish barbers and takeaways. Large communist and Fascists movement has blighted the schoolโ€™s.

โ€œHey man, is their a place more chavy than Birmingham?โ€

โ€œYeah, itโ€™s called Newton Abbotโ€

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What does "Newton abbot" mean?

A tiny little town in south devon where everyone knows and has probably slept with everyone by the age of 15 which is made up of...
2. Charity shops
3. Old people
4. Chavs
5. Skaters
6. Pubs
and..... that's about it

Lets go to Newton Abbot today......

What will we do?
Lets go to Asda?

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Newton abbot - what does it mean?

Apsolute shit heap full of roadmen, chavs and pedophiles but the market is nice for 5p sour lollies

Person 1 - Ew look at that chav over there!
Person 2 - oh yeah they live in Newton abbot
Person 1- not surprised.

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