Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Neo-hippie?

A New age or modern Hippie.
Like traditional hippies, neo-hippies are political and motivated, to some degree. Neo-Hippie could be difined as someone who meets the all, if not most, following standards: Liberal in political veiws, sports certain fashion attire distinct to the "hippie" family and plays hackie sack. Neo-hippies also may be vegetarian and have an avid, if not obsessive, desire to recycle.

Hey, look, it's Kasey... she's playing hackie sack, what a neo-hippie.

👍867 👎441

Neo-hippie - meme gif

Neo-hippie meme gif

Neo-hippie - video


Neo-hippie - what is it?

Someone who is interested in several of the following things:
vegetarianism/veganism, the environment, animal rights, gay rights, mild recreational drugs, feminism, New Age spirituality, or organic produce.
Stereotypical neo-hippie attire includes loose, comfortable clothing like peasant tops, skirts and sandals. Homemade clothing is common among the truly hardcore, as it appeals to their anti-capitalist sensibilities. Long hair is popular with both males and females.

'Did you see the new neighbors? They have a daughter named Marigold, and they're meditating in tie-dyed tunics on the front lawn. What neo-hippies'

👍511 👎247

What does "Neo-hippie" mean?

A neo-hippie is a being who cares about themselves, nature, and the ones around them. Someone who embraces all life and love. A neo-hippie does not see borders, lines, boundaries, color or faith. He/She sees themselves, their life and their existance.

Oh yeh:
Someone who doesn't smoke weed to "get baked"

I am a neo hippie.

👍461 👎205

Neo-hippie - what does it mean?

Left winger born too late for the Vietnam War, so he/she felt like he/she has to scream insults at Bush, make bogus charges about US Soldiers shooting Iraqi/Afgan civilians in cold blood, and refuses to accept that Saddam had WMD's, but just moved them to neighbouring Syria or Iran, and that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were legitimate.

Rightous Man: Who's screaming "fuck Bush" and "No Blood for oil" at the top of her lungs?"

Rightous woman: "Oh, Just some Neo-hippie Moron."

👍2309 👎1081

Neo-hippie - meaning

Neo Hippies come in two forms: the real and the fake. First we will deal with the real. Real neo hippies are individuals that come in all different colors, sizes, subcultures and habits, but all agree on one thing: free is best and everyone's invited! These environmentally and socially-conscious people are inclusive, in tune (with the earth and themselves, recognizing the good and bad within each) people that love listening to late '60's/ early '70's music, watching '60's/'70's movies and think Bob Dylan is a prophet. Neo hippies embrace all types of music though. (They may also listen to Phish, but this band usually identify the preferences of fake neo hippies.) Although they usually attempt to be extremely health conscious (vegans, vegetarians, semi-vegetarians, yoga, meditation), they most definitely smoke copious amounts of pot, most times cigarettes and partake in harder drugs with no remorse; or don't do drugs at all because they feel it clouds their state of consciousness. They do not mind a smelly person and usually have personal hygiene issues themselves. Love the great outdoors and go camping, hiking, backpacking at least 7 times per year. Has gone on at lease two trips to the mountains solo. Sometimes can be characterized by flowy clothing (women); but as stated before, the real neo hippie is person of many undertakings and attitudes, so can not be identified by clothing. Definitely into Boca burgers (even if they eat meat), incense, health food stores, Patchouli, thrift stores finds (which is distinct from 'hipster' thrift store style) and making sure everyone feels a part of their parties, gatherings, etc. They realize that inclusive is the new exclusive because the people that are there are the people that are suppose to be there. Can be found volunteering at the local non profit, community-oriented organization. Usually a self-described activist that is anti-war that frequents protest marches and loves 'organizing.'

Fake neo hippies are usually white suburban kids who often wear patchwork pants (guys and girls), plaid shirts (guys) and have dreadlocks (girls and guys). They love Phish, Umphrey's McGee and String Cheese Incident. Very inclusive group of individuals that are drawn to others that dress and look the same and are frightened by diversity. Basically yuppies and suburbanites who decide to wear patchwork instead of Gap, but possess the same shallow ideals and large bank accounts care of mommy and daddy.

I once heard an excellent word to describe the fake neo hippies: trustafarians.

If you have ever had a party where everyone's invited, you may be a real Neo Hippie .

If you have been to more than 10 Phish concerts but have never had a conversation longer than 30 minutes with a person of color, you are indeed a fake Neo Hippie . Please check yourself!!

👍369 👎147

Neo-hippie - definition

neo-hippie is not anything of the above. it is not simply a vegeatarian, a pothead, a tie-dye wearer, someone who does not shower regularly, a rights activist, a person interested in spirituality or a person conserned with nature. a neo-hippy can not be defined or categorised, but may be someone who wants to take a stand for what they believe, wheather political or otherwise, someone who believes in peace and love, or someone who can identify with the values of other people labelled as 'neo-hippies'

some people see me as a neo-hippie because i protest, smoke wacky tobackey, seek spiritual enlightenment and care about the enviroment.

👍1201 👎523

Neo-hippie - slang

A neo-hippie is at peace. At peace with world, good and bad. He (or she) knows that the enjoyment of Life, whatever his circumstances are, is the most important aspect of living. He enjoys all activities, all genres of music, all kinds of people, and sees the unique beauty in everything. He watches the world with an objective eye, seeing all sides of a story. He does not stare at the negativity he sees; he looks at it and finds within it positivity. He knows that civil liberties are innate, and to deny anyone those is outright wrong. He does not fight for what is right, he pushes the right past the wrong, for hatred helps nobody.. He controls himself with a free restraint, hurting for he knows it will pass with time, loving for he knows that it is the best feeling a person can experience. He experiences everything there is to experience, because from those his ever-changing soul grows.

Girl: "Wow, that girl's a bitch."
Neo-hippie: "So what?"

Boy: "I hate gay people!"
Neo-hippie: "They're just like you, except they like the same sex."

Girl: "Eww, I look fat in this shirt!!"
Neo-hippie: "No, you look beautiful and curvyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy."

Boy: "I like punching people in the face."
Neo-hippie: "I enjoy the breeze on my face, in my hair when I'm driving in my car with the windows down."

👍211 👎77


I think that everyone is making too general of a look. Not all neo-hippies are like the trowback hippie. I think now more than ever it is about a state of mind/ a way of thinking. They whole idia that you need to pave your own path and not to just follow. IT also includes thinking outside the box(with but not exclusivly through the use of drugs such as LSD or marijuana)Paramount among their ideals would be that you need to be happy in life and not just do somthing because you will make more money. A great value on self happiness.

Neo-hippie 1-"Instead of working for money I am gonna work for enjoyment of working"

Neo-hippie 2-" What is it really that controls it it all, is it god?"

👍641 👎225


Kids these days who want things such as "world peace" and to stop "global warming" because "it is all our fault" because "we are wasteful and don't recycle and are selfish."

Basically, these kids want what Al Gore wants, an end to "global warming" and some world leaders solving their problems. Modified hippie/hippy principles, though most of them don't smoke pot. They buy 100% "organic" bags that have SAVE THE WHALES/POLAR BEARS/NORTH POLE/OZONE LAYER/EARTH emblazoned on the front that "support the fight against global warming" and don't object to socialized healthcare.

These kids are clueless, most of the time, and just want to be "politically active" without being politically active.

That girl Mary bought a "Save the North Pole" bag form Timberland and wore peace sign earrings and started preaching to us abouthow we should share what we give and recycle. She's sucha a bogus neo-hippie.

👍53 👎121


A free-spirited persuer of happiness, peace, love, unity, and freedom. Without trying to be a 'modern hippie,' or tries sport peace signs as much as posible or look like an actual hippie from the 60's and or 70's. Nor is it really about style, (although powerpop scene kids do seem to follow under the this new label's stereotypical 'style') it's more about their attitude towards life.

She's so happy and doesn't care what people think, I love that neo-hippie.

👍155 👎65