Definder - what does the word mean?

What is My Blue Heaven?

When you go to use a public bathroom for some sitdown business and you find the blue toilet water, signifying a freshly cleaned stall.

"Had to drop off the kids at the pool, it was great, and to make it better, entered my blue heaven"

👍33 👎37

My Blue Heaven - video


My Blue Heaven - what is it?

When you go to use a public bathroom for some sitdown business and you find the blue toilet water, signifying a freshly cleaned stall.

"Had to drop off the kids at the pool, it was great, and to make it better, entered my blue heaven"

👍45 👎39

What does "My Blue Heaven" mean?

A song by Taking Back Sunday
A freshly cleaned stall, such as in a first class airplane
The feeling you get when you are finally happy in life after a tragedy such as death or some other sad shit...
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Sean: Man me and my band really jammed out to my blue heaven by Taking Back Sunday on Saturday

Mike: No shit huh?
Man: Ah finally I can take a shit in peace, this bathroom is My Blue Heaven

Ghostie: Nope.
Mike: Man I met Jamie and finally I can have My Blue Heaven

Stranger: That's great for you man, but who the fuck are you!?

👍49 👎13