Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Munches?

A man who wants to have sexual interaction with a woman but is only allowed by a woman to give her oral pleasures.

β€œGirl, you ever gonna let him get some?”
β€œNo, that n*gga a munch.”

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Munches - meme gif

Munches meme gif

Munches - video


Munches - what is it?

This term, also described as /me *munch* *munch* (on irc), is used to describe the necessity to MUNCH on JUNK FOOD after a satisfactory ganja session.

02:13 * moanie has joined #keke
02:13 keke
02:13 * moanie munch munch
02:13 * moanie has left #keke
02:13 fred, i believe she's a little *munch munch if you know what i mean.

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What does "Munches" mean?

treesh but for a male

you thought i was feeling you..?


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Munches - what does it mean?

Most popular in the song "Munch" by Ice Spice, A pussy eater or someone who engages in the act of cunnilingus. Someone who performs oral sex on a female.

Asia "Girll you got sum last night?"
Trina "Hell yea he was eating like it was his last meal. You know he a munch"

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Munches - meaning

I honestly don't know wtf that bih meant in that song

"You though I was feeling you? That n**** a munch"

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Munches - definition

A eater, or a super simp who do anything for a girl off the thought that she is feeling him.

You thought I was feeling you? You a Munch.

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Munches - slang

a munch is a nigga that be eating the box, also eating it because he thought the female was into him .

β€œYou thought I was feeling you? that nigga a munch , nigga a eater he eat it for lunch”

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to love someone while rocking/supporting a mullet

Gabe is munching Meghan
That guy is munching her

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A munch is someone who’s only use is eating pussy without getting anything in return.

Girl, I don’t want him, he’s just a munch.

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Munches is the name given for two people who will always love and about each other. They are good friends who will always remain in one another's lives no matter what. Munches have an unspoken bond and connection that will last them a life time and their love will spand any distance.

Those two Munches are lucky to have each other.

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