Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Muddafucka?

What an Asian person calls you when you eat rice with a spoon

stupid muddafucka dat not how you eat rice you eat wit chopstick not spoon you stupid American bitch

👍43 👎23

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Muddafucka - what is it?

A word that Joe Pesci uses in a lot of his films, especially Goodfellas and Casino.

It's also a word that others mimic to sound like Joe Pesci and to try to be humorous.

"Hey Brandon, do your best Joe Pesci impression!"
"You Muddafucka, you!"

Or (Joe Pesci in Goodfellas) "Go home and get your fuckin' shinebox!"
"You Muddafucka, you Muddafuckin' mutt!!"

👍35 👎11

What does "Muddafucka" mean?

The italian way to say Motherfucker.

"hahaha You Muddafucka You"

👍113 👎33