Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mr. Barret?

A man whose teaching skills exceed expectations in a positive manner.

Someone: Man, I really hate my teacher, her teaching skills sucks!
Someone else: Heh, sucks. Imagine not having a Mr. Barret.

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Mr. Barret - video


Mr. Barret - what is it?

A very dangerous man!! Mr barret is one person you donโ€™t want to f*** with. He comes across many wannabe fia gangstas and smarts arses in their youth and turns them into real sotias, he makes you pick up rubbish at lunch if you come late to school then makes you wait outside his office while he looks for his next victim. Do not try to outsmart mr barret because he knows his students every move and always 2 steps ahead of ya, heโ€™s a MATHEMATICIAN, Make sure you turn up to all your final exams because Mr Barret gets the sh*ts when you waste his precious time when he could be in the quad initiating some juniors. And one more thing DONT FORGET YOUR TIE, If you forget your tie or donโ€™t own one then donโ€™t bother coming to school or else he will take your soul and finish yo punk a** off like Mortal kombat. Remember the name Mr barret, fortitudo is his cry.

Mr Barret

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