Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mountain Lakes?

not all of the boonton township people hate moutain lakes! how dare you speak for all of us, maybe thats how you feel, but i would choose moutain lakes over any other school, so dont try and speak for me "bob" so get over yourself

moutain lakers and boonton township kids love each other!

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Mountain Lakes - video


Mountain Lakes - what is it?

mountain lakes is in new jersey not new york, dumb ass

mountain lakes, new jersey

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What does "Mountain Lakes" mean?

a town in new jersey

"im from moutain lakes new jersey"
"really, you must be rich"
"no, my parents are"

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Mountain Lakes - what does it mean?

Well I guess as a Mountain Laker I need to write on this. Personally this is the worst town I have ever been to. We have a great school system but most of our parents didn't know what they were dragging us into when the moved here. From our first years in school people have been segregated from rich to poor. Only the rich can be with the rich and only the poor with the poor. It is sad that this is true because really everyone should be considered equal. In this small town of Mountain Lakes no one is really poor people just say they are because there not as rich as the people on the Boulevard or The Hill Section. Now apart from that there parents haven't exactly taught there children right because if they have none of this would be happening. It almost seems in our childhood most of the children had missed a step. The step of learning that everyone is equal. No matter what if your poor or rich, black or white. Everyone has 46 chromosomes well not everyone but that's besides the point. All of us having 46 chromosomes makes us equal and all the stuff in the material world should not matter because that was created by us and everyone can create/ buy any of that because we all have the same amount of chromosomes. The rich don't have 48 chromosomes they have 46 like the rest of us.

Now onto sports oh sports. Well first to say are sports really more important than school? Well in Mountain Lakes High School they are. So the Budget wasn't passed no biggie just cut out on some sports oh wait noo lets cut out the half year Latin Class which could have been beneficial to people taking the SAT's. Now are sports really more important than Academics. I know all the football coaches say Academics are more important then Sports but the District Believes otherwise. Now we don't have a Half year Latin Class so instead i have to take a full year Latin class. Well I am sure im not the only one ranting about this loss but we all have to move on. Now onto more sports. So if you don't play a sport should that matter? Everywhere else no it doesn't matter but in Mountain Lakes it matters and matters a whole hell of a lot. Playing a sport and not playing a sport can be the determining factor if your "popular" enough to go out to the cool party over the weekend or if you sit home and watch a movie. This is sad Because really everyone should be invited because again everyone is equal. Now if you don't play Lacrosse again your not cool. Lacrosse is maybe the most over rated thing in mountain lakes i mean come on how can one sport be so Fucking excellent. It's quite simply not because it's just plain stupid. It costs a ton for a Metal or Wooden stick (if your using a Haro) I could make one of those in wood shop. But whatever i Can't change that.

This all amounts on how mountain Lakes is the Shittiest town on earth. When I have kids i will bring them to Paterson before i bring them back to this shitty white suburban town 40 miles from New York City. Everyone smokes weed because there parents give them the money to. Everyone drinks cause theirs nothing better to do and the houses are all over 750,000 Dollars. Theirs no diversity and everyone is grown up to be a racist cause we have never been exposed to black people. Fuck you Mountain Lakes.

racist mountain lakes

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Mountain Lakes - meaning

Sorry, I couldn't help myself...

Mountain Lakes; a superbly wealthy aristocratic town 40 miles from NYC. The "ML kids" are all sons and daughters of old-money European aristocrats. Do not blame the girls if they must look gorgeous, it's peer pressure. And no, they do not get up at 5am to do their makeup....they get up at 3:30. The boys are bred for lacrosse ability and in-between games and maintaining their 4.0s... they all play Halo 2. Laker's don't sleep, they take Ecstacy, which their parents by for them. Beirut isn't only played on weekends, but there is actually an elitest group of students who play every day. No one knows who is in it, but every one in the school wants to join. These are the wealthiest and most fabulously dressed of all students at MLHS. You can tell them apart from their Oscar de la Renta sweaters and BMs. In class, the wealthiest kids pick on all the others. If you're not in the "in" crowd, you basically are not allowed to have friends. Loser guys pop their pink polos, and the girls (who, of course, are all "hoes") chase after them in their respective Mercedes. Officers are afraid to pull students over, and will never fine them for drinking. No one likes Lakers, BT hates Lakers, families are dysfunctional, people start smoking crack at 4, play Lacross at 4 1/2, will never be caught without daddys credit card, a "C-note," and makeup kit. If you don't fit into this category, you are not welcome. Oh, and lastly; all Mountain Lakers can fly, clear 100' buildings, and score 1600 on the SAT.

If you believe any of this, never, ever go to Mountain Lakes. I don't think you'll be able to stand the shock. And, all you dumbasses, look up stereotype in the dictionary. It's because of intolerant people like you that there is hate in the world.

"Hey student-that-is-usually-not-very- social-and-has- never-attended-a-party-before!
I'm glad to see that you're coming out more. Want to play beirut?"
"No, I don't really drink."
"That's cool. Let me introduce you to some people."

"durh, i hate mountin laks"
"gheh, yeh. lets be k00l and make fun of them at"
"were awesome dood"

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Mountain Lakes - definition

Its true, in ML there is a lot of beirut (beer pong is a different game) playing and a lot of people rippin shots all night, and a lot of people blazin, and some are even blowin yayo. However it is not fair to say that everybody drives BMWs and Mercedes because if u look at some of the cars in the driveways around town, some are the shittiest cars you will ever see. I myself drink almost everyday, weekend and week days and am still a smart and athletic kid who just loves drinking. Thats how most people are in this town. In mountain Lakes you have to be good at one of two things or both of them, DRINKING GAMES or lacrosse.

- Yo, come to mountain lakes tonight

-is there anything to do there?

-Its mountain lakes, there are 18 beirut tables set up in my friends garage. we got 4 kegs

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Mountain Lakes - slang

Mountain Lakes is a town in New Jersey. If you don't live there, you would not know how: We DO NOT smoke a lot, nor do we drink, we DO have good diversity, we DO NOT have a large amount of bullying, we DO NOT have drug games such as "beruit," we WORK HARD for our good sports, I DO NOT play lacrosse and I'm pretty popular in school, and so on. Our high school is exceptional. If you don't live there, then don't make up false lies and rumors about what happens here.

Guy 1: Hey, my name is Bob and I'm from Mountain Lakes.
Guy 2: You must be pretty snotty.
Guy 1: Have you ever lived there? Because news papers CAN lie, you shouldn't trust them all the time.
Guy 2: Erm... No.
Guy 1: Precisely.

πŸ‘43 πŸ‘Ž23

Mountain Lakes

Mountain Lakes is a beautiful town full of rich white people. There are a handful of asians and jews, but basically no black or hispanic people.

Sports are number one in Mountain Lakes. Everybody plays two sports for most of their childhood. One of those sports must be lacrosse. The other is usually swimming or soccer.

It's called Mountain LAKES because there are lakes all over town that kids swim in during the summer and skate on in the winter. Birchwood and Island Beach are the main summer hangouts.

The public schools are really good.

Since it is a small town, gossip flies at the speed of light. By midday, every one of your friends will have known what you did last night.

Lakers love their town and have extreme patriotism to ML. If asked to choose two colors, the first ones that come to mind will no doubtably be blue and orange.

Don't judge Lakers. They get better when they grow up.

Mountain Lakes is located in New Jersey.

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Mountain Lakes

Mountain Lakes is a wonderfully diverse community. It is a hilly suburb of NYC, that is filled with majestic lakes. If you happen to grace our streets in the fall, you will experience the most breathtaking autumn colors the northeast has to offer. It is the perfect place to park you car and gaze at the American Dream. The public school system is on par with the best private schools in the area. I attended Mountain Lakes in the early Noughties. In those days there was something of a social renaissance taking place within the halls of Mountain Lakes high school. The infamous β€œNerd’s Revenge” that took place in the late nineties created equality amongst all subcultures. It was one vehicle named the Bosnianmobile that started a revolution, which would once again create a rift between the students. This decrepit piece of machinery forced segregation and single handedly cracked the foundation of equality the nerds of the nineties worked so hard to achieve. This is a public service message for all of those socially challenged students in ML who dream of equality to rise up once again and fight.

Mountain Lakes

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Mountain Lakes

Im a Laker........and Mountain Lakes is a pretty cool town. It has a great school system, amazing athletics, and everyone has laker pride. yes, there are some snobby girls, but not all of us are like that. if your school doesnt have snobby girls that have to look good....well im pretty sure thats impossible. most girls are not in that group....including me and i have alot of friends....and Boonton Township kids dont hate us... im friends with most of them. yes, sports are important......but you dont have to play lacrosse to be "popular." Our football team is really good an basketball, field hockey, and ice hockey. if you want to hate on mountain lakes go ahead. this town is an extremely nice place to grow up. also to all you people that say you get made fun of if your not white & christian...well thats not true. Im jewish and i never get made fun of.

wow...those mountain lakes kids seem to be good at everything!

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