Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mosh Pit?

1:emo/scene people usally hardcore danceing in a tight group
2:a place where some people just go in to hurt people
3:dance craze at a rock concert

Person 1:so i see you went in the mosh pit.
Person 2:really how'd you tell?
Person 1:you have a black eye.
Person 2:oh.

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Mosh Pit - video


Mosh Pit - what is it?

The name for the wet stain under your armpits after you sweat in gym class.

Jessii- We had fitness blast today and all the guys mosh pited.
Steph- omg that is gross.

👍39 👎63

What does "Mosh Pit" mean?

Controlled chaos, of people slamming, bumping into each other, and generally having a good time. Most mosh pits are NOT about hurting each other. Its simply sharing in an adrenaline rush, and hyperactively expressing some kinetic energy.

There ARE rules and guidelines for being in a mosh pit. Intentionally trying to hurt other people, will in most cases, get you kicked out of the pit at best, or banned from the venue at worse.

There are usually 'safe zones' at the front of the stage, and the back, for people that do not wish to partake in the festivities. Often, a mosh pit will be surrounded by people that guard the safe zones, forming a "wall" around the pit.

"When he fell in the mosh pit, everyone helped him up."

👍27 👎13

Mosh Pit - what does it mean?

A place a a concert where people go to listen to loud music and carried across the crowd. SEE mosh

DUDE, did you see me moshing in the mosh pit at the Disturbed concert?

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Mosh Pit - meaning

A great place to buy drugs

Bob: Where'd you get that weed?
Joe: The mosh pit!

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Mosh Pit - definition

1. A place of great merry-making and glee. Usually accompanied by hardcore music and spurratic kicking/punching/etc.

2. A gathering of local show-goers looking for cheap plastic surgery or tooth extraction.

HARDCORExKID: Hey, what happened to Jimmy's nose?
dX KiLL U: Mosh pit.

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Mosh Pit - slang

A place in a metal concert where people push/run into each other in a large circle.

Not to be confused with the "Windmill Freaks/Kung-Fu Wannabes" Who intentionally throw their arms around with the intention of giving someone a black eye.

Slayer Pits are the most brutal, because the shit that Hatebreed fans do are just wannabe riot acts.

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Mosh Pit

A vagina tbat was utterly destroyed by ginormous 12+ pound baby!

I wouldn't hit that. She had a 13lb baby! Who knows what her Mosh Pit looks like. You could probably fit four dicks in there.

👍25 👎11

Mosh Pit

Open Pit: When about 10-25 people all open up a large area in the pit (despite how crowded it is) and dance/flail around for the amount of time the music has high energy.

This is about the only time one can punch, slam again, step on, and hit anyone in view and have the victims not mind / enjoy it... though expect to get punched and hit back a LOT.

Closed Pit: When everyone shoves toward the front of the stage, not caring if they can or can't breathe. Find a way to breathe, or you just wont be able to.

Mosher: I'm going to a hardcore show tonight

Non-Mosher: You're gonna get your ass kicked

After show with aggressive mosh pit

Mosher: -Comes back with completely bruised and bloody face/body-

Non-Mosher: You're an idiot

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Mosh Pit

Formed by Metalheads/Rockers/Moshers/Punks as a form of dance and can (sometimes) be used as a highly effective death sentence for Chavs

Metalhead at concert: Mosh Pit!

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