Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Morning after pill?

The pain reliever you take the morning after an all-night alcohol binge (aka tylenol, advil, excedrin, etc.) to relieve the pain of previously stated binge

Dude, I drank so many shots of tequila last night I can't even remember how many...gimme 2 of those Morning After Pill's so I can recover

👍71 👎293

Morning after pill - video


Morning after pill - what is it?

Sometimes emergency contraception is needed to prevent pregnancy after sex - for example, if the pill is missed, a condom breaks or in the case of being sexually assaulted. The morning after pill is a form of emergency contraception that must be started within 72 hours of having unprotected sex.

Girls- if u r raped or whatever make sure u take the morning after pill!!!

👍125 👎45

What does "Morning after pill" mean?

A pill used the morning after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. Can be used up to 72 hours after fucking. Works like a charm!

Chris: Hey and my girlfriend finally did it last night
Jeff: Really? Did you use protection
Chris: Nope she's gonna take the morning after pill
Jeff: Nicee

👍563 👎129