Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Moraes?

A woman who likes to take bull loads, 100k a pop. She also is very much in love with Zach Crandall aka Lordgrackus.

Hey did you see that girl, she took a Morae to the face.

Wow she has Morae feelings for him.

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Moraes - meme gif

Moraes meme gif

Moraes - video


Moraes - what is it?

short for moron. used by pecker necks with no life.

Dang it mehn, he's a mora!

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What does "Moraes" mean?

A drop dead gorgeous blonde with an even better personality. Great sense of humor and she can shake that ass like no other. She’s an incredible friend and has the biggest heart with plenty to go around. But don’t fuck with her or her squad bc you will wish you had never been born.

A: Yo who’s on aux rn?

B: Oh Mora is!

A: I should’ve known she always has that fire playlist

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Moraes - what does it mean?

complete stud. the (sun)to my (rainy) day. loves justin.nbd

Dayummmm, Mora is hot.

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Moraes - meaning

A small town in central Minnesota where un-cultured redneck teens drive loud jacked up trucks everywhere and the elderly complain. Clamydia and Methamphetamine is also very common.

Hey Vito, did you see that loud Ford??

Oh that's just Matt he's from Mora.

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Moraes - definition

plural: morae

A word of which the definition always includes other words that need explanation and is therefore never wholly understood.
Predominantly used among desperate students.

The first page of the article was full of morae so I couldn't be bothered to read the whole thing.

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Moraes - slang

A currency in Genshin Impact
Players can use it to upgrade levels, talents, artifacts, enchant weapons, crafting, forging and buy items

Guys I have zero Mora, I used it all for zhongli.
If you don’t have Mora go contact childe support

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Your girlfriend. From the Spanish word "morena" or dark-skinned girl.

Voy con la mora, nos vemos. TRANSLATION: See ya later, I'm going to my girlfriend's.

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An amazing person. Smart as hell. Full of love. Synonym for Humble. Trust is the most important thing for them. If you break their trust, YOU ARE DEAD. One of a kind. Their personalities can be never find in others.

Whoa, Here's Mora. The God of LOVE and TRUST.

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A stupid ugly cunt who gets to eat chocolate chip weetabix.

'hey you got weetabix with choc chips?'
'yea im a Moraes'

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