Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Moon pie?

Basically a cream pie in ur ass

Moon Pie: Example above

👍25 👎11

Moon pie - video


Moon pie - what is it?

When a someone ejaculates in someones anus.

Cream pies are old school, give me a moon pie.

👍25 👎11

What does "Moon pie" mean?

When you fart and it vibrates your cooter.

that wasn't a queef, it was a moon pie.

👍85 👎79

Moon pie - what does it mean?

When a woman bends over and her legs do not touch at the top and you can see her pussy lips under her ass cheeks.

When Nikki bent over and the sun blared through the window, you could tell she had no panties on...because you could see her beautiful moon pie.

👍133 👎141

Moon pie - meaning

Possibly the most disgusting sex-act ever known to both man and machine.
The act of going to a party of drunkeness, getting someone to pass out from drunkeness (amongst other things), pulling down ones (meaning yours) pants, taking a massive poo on their chest, ejaculating gooey substance on the poo, and lastly, taking another massive poo on the gooey substance of which is atop the mountainous poo-mountain below it.
As soon as this act of nastyness is complete, one (meaning you) would be best to completely dissapear from the party.

Chris (by the rules, he's not a real person-don't try to find him, it'd be a waste of time) totally decided to moon pie that chick.
It was so nasty, I couldn't stop vomitting.

👍267 👎333

Moon pie - definition

The female version of a fruit basket or a sluttier version of mooning; when a women bends over and you can see her vagina and asshole.

Hey fellow drunken ladies let us moon pie that truck driver.
Kaitlyn always goes commando so I make sure to drop my pencil when she wears a short skirt, here's hoping for moon pie.
There's nothing better than a moon pie in the morning.

👍61 👎45

Moon pie - slang

moon pie is an actual product! it is a chocolate, marshmallow and grahan cracker (smore like!) confection/junk food snack pie, round in shape. exclusively seen/eaten in the south. they are commonly sold at gas stations and truck stops and as such has a rep as a white-trash product. i have seen one, but never eaten one. paired with a drink to "wash it down" which i THINK is usually milk. some of you southern red necks need help me put here.

a moon pie is a real food object!

👍123 👎117

Moon pie

A colloquialism used in the 1960's and 70's to describe marijuana or commonly referred to as "reefer".

Sally! There's nothing behind you. You took too many hits of that moon pie.

👍49 👎23

Moon pie

When A naked girl bends over and and exposes her ass and pussy at the same time

Chad : Such A boring day at work wish there was some action around here!
Craig : Yeah we need to take a smoke break out back!
Kiersten : Oh Jake! Oh Baby! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!
Jake : Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Oh shit my phone flew in the dump can you get it for me I'm still cumming?
Kiersten : Sure Baby we don't want our videos exposed do we!
Chad : Holy Shit Kiersten's climbing in the dump naked!
Craig : Ohhhhhhhh! Moon Pie! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Chad : Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Mmmmm! Moon Pie!
Steve : Hey guys what's going on? Ohhhhh Moon Pie! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Kiersten : Fuck Off Perves!
Jake : Yeah quit staring at my girls pie!

👍79 👎45

Moon pie

A snack food popular in the southern United States. A moon pie consists of a marshmellow sandwiched between two cookie-shaped graham crackers, which is then dipped in chocolate. Moon pies are sometimes sold as "marshmellow pies" or "scooter pies" in other areas of the country. In Canada, a moon pie is called a "wagon wheel."

In the 1950s, a moon pie and an R.C. Cola was known as a "working man's lunch."

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