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What is Mitchel Musso?

Mitchell musso is a snack in many shapes
And forms. He has very emotional hair and he’s the best actor in all of the America’s... wait forget America the whole world.

I was proposed to by a prince but I told him that he would never be as good as Mitchell musso.

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Mitchel Musso - video


Mitchel Musso - what is it?

The most amazing actor in the theater industry, also a singer.

Mitchel Musso is by far the hottest actor alive.

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What does "Mitchel Musso" mean?

A halfway decent teen Disney actor who enjoys a hairstyle that happens to make him look like a circumsized penis!

Mitchel Musso's hair looks like the head of a dick!

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Mitchel Musso - what does it mean?

A very sweet actor on Hannah Montana, and Phineas and Ferb. He is also a very talented singer. He is the brother of Mason Musso, lead singer of Metro Station and Marc Musso, also an actor.

OMGz isn't Mitchel Musso just SOOOO CUTE?!

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Mitchel Musso - meaning

(n.) 1. Actor, Oliver from Hannah Montana, also a singer. 2. Has the coolest hair. 3. One of the nicest celebrities there is.

Mitchel Musso is the actor who plays Oliver in Hannah Montana.

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