Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Milena's?

peppa pig

Milena laughs like peppa pig :0

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Milena's - meme gif

Milena's meme gif

Milena's - video


Milena's - what is it?

Beautiful, smart and voluptous. Quite often this name belongs to a sexy, brunette European with a flair for fashion.

Wow...I wish I as Milena as you are... damn gurl!!!

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What does "Milena's" mean?

a girl who is strange yet sexy
an amazing find
but hard to keep

"yo i saw Milena today nd she was lookin fiiiiinee"

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Milena's - what does it mean?

An amazing girl, and the best girlfriend. She's hard to keep but when you've got her, she's the best girl. Her boyfriends bestfriends are all jealous.
Sweet, sexy, beautiful and very talented.

Damn, Milena's looking fine today.

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Milena's - meaning

Milena is an amazing person. She is a ridiculously funny person with a great sense of humour. She knows how to make anyone smile with her beautiful personality. she’s shy at first but once you get to know her, shes a great friend. She’s beautiful and perfect and all they boys (especially victor and kuba) love her 😍 (and charlie lawless) She’ll always be there for you. She’s very attractive and sexy πŸ˜‰ Milena loves hanging out with her friends, she’s very social and is all around, a perfect person.

Person one: Oh my god! Is that Milena?
Person two: Yess! she’s so pretty and funny
Person three: i am going to fuck Milena

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Milena's - definition

A Milena is a very kind girl with a big heart who has many friends and loves one guy from her life, shes nice around everyone and friends(zones) with everyone.;)

Have yout met milena i asked her out but she started laughing all seven times...

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Milena's - slang

milena is a gift , she is a lot of beauty in a human , adorable , cute and pretty , her smile is the sun

i love you milena

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Milena is a highly attractive person. She is loving and caring. At first she might seem dark and mysterious, but once you get to know her you'll find her funny, smart and adventurous. She is the best girlfriend a guy can have. She has lots of friends and they lover her because Milena is very social and funny. She loves making new friends. Milena always has one or two close friends and she shares almost everything with them. Milena is the best girlfriend a guy can wish for, she is fun and sexy. She isn't clingy towards her boyfriend. Don't lose her or you'll regret it.

Bob: I'm in love with milena.

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This name is commonly used for pretty and strange girls. Milena's swore a lot and are really talented, athletic and are hard to get. She's usually shy around people but once you get to know her, you'll likely find her to be really funny and smart. Many guys are dying to be with her and wouldnt want to loose her so they better be loyal. Thats right Milena

"Hey dude you know that new girl Milena ? I wanna hook up with her so bad"
"She's really weird but pretty"

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Milena is a person who is the best, she is perfect in every way possible. Her eyes are amazing and her personalitx is perfect. She is goofy and can sometimes be shy around people but when you get to know her you will love her no matter what.

Have you seen Milena today?
Yeah, she is really perfect isn't she?

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