Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Miesha's?

Probably the most beautiful girl in the world. One of the nicest people you’ll ever meet and pretty good in bed.

That girl must have been named miesha cause damn she was good last night

👍37 👎15

Miesha's - meme gif

Miesha's meme gif

Miesha's - video


Miesha's - what is it?

She is very mean, at times can be a heartbreaker, Speaks her mind to anyone who steps in her way, Doesn't bite her tongue for no ONE ! Very smart, and very good in bed. Extremely atractive , smart intellegents, self centered at time, is a girly girl but at times can get down and dirty with the boys ! , Loves to cheer and hey what can i say THERE IS TO MUCH TO SAY ABOUT HER AND SO LITTLE TIME <3 Can be your everything ! Has a perfect body

Boy: OMG She are a Miesha i have to have you
Boy 2: Shut no Im gettin her

👍481 👎119