Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Michael S?

A fagget ireland fucker who is bald and has small feet and a small dick. He secretly loves sjoul but kelly is cockblocking him. He hates hubschrauber with a passion and tried to get him demoted. Donal might come as a tough guy but he is really a bitch ass white fuck who is sad about his own life.

Michael S. is a lonely prick

👍31 👎15

Michael S - video


Michael S - what is it?

Yes, the rumors are true. Michael's penis is small and pathetic. 2 to 3 inches hard on a good day. It cums in less than a second and basically women make fun of how useless is cock is. Oh P.S. He is God and is going to save us all. He has performed miracles beyond the scope a typical mind could comprehend. He was never told he was going to be God, but trust me. He is my savior and creator. Michael S is God.

Michael S-The one you have heard of is michael. Our savior!

👍25 👎11