Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mexican Man?

A half blooded Mexican, considered not to be Hispanic because of manerisms and family traits

" Oh Juan ain't really Hispanic, he's a poor mans Mexican"

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Mexican Man - video


Mexican Man - what is it?

A steve who primarily eats tuna but occasionally gets treated to his favorite, Mexican food. It has been argued that he is also the inventor of the Mexican poop lasagna.

Mexican poo poo man already had his pills. Now it's time for bed.

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What does "Mexican Man" mean?

used to describe a complete asshole of the male gender.

"wow, you're a mexican mariachi man whore"

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Mexican Man - what does it mean?

When a mexican pornstar with a moustache hits a girl with his dick.

Can also mean an attempted mexican wave during revision or an exam in class.

Farrow, Dallas and Fox... Control her or give her the fuckin' mexican wave man!

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Mexican Man - meaning

That sweet brown skin that as soon as you touch it, you are immediately with child. Or 3 or 4 of them.

OMG, So Pedro gave me a hug last week...I missed my period! That Mexican man skin don' impregnated me!!

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Mexican Man - definition

A man who can run, jump, and swim across the border

Steve: hey, did you see that Mexican man on the news yesterday

Bob: yeah, filthy beaners coming over here to take our jobs

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Mexican Man - slang

Loyal to his beer.

Mexican man knows how to drink drink

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