Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Meet And Greet?

meet a person, greet them, then hit it

i dont need relationships i just wanna meet, greet, skeet

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Meet And Greet - video


Meet And Greet - what is it?

When you MEAT a bitch, extract her from whatever location and pound her vagina that night.

Do you see that bitch at the bar? Man, Iā€™m gonna Meet, Greet and Beat. Then Iā€™m gonna Skeet, and Delete. Manana I'm gonna Repeat.

To Meet (encounter), Greet (exchange pleasantries) and Beat (take her to pound town).

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What does "Meet And Greet" mean?

Living hell

Time to get eaten alive by bugs at the bug meet and greet

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Meet And Greet - what does it mean?

A formal get together that allows all memebers of said group/ party to join together in a discussion based format, and talk things out by using a talking stick to allow everyone in share and say with whatever the matter shall be. Whether it be board games, video games, and life and death.

Bro, Spencer, Devon, Jake, Steven, Ryan and I all had a Meet n' Greet during out game of 'Risk' last night. It was intense.

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Meet And Greet - meaning

The concept of taking 2 people who have an embarrassing connection with each other (whether it's an ex boyfriend/girlfriend, someone who got rejected by that person at a prior time, or just 2 people who have been known not to like each other) and introducing them to each other as if it's the first time they've ever met, thus making the situation very awkward. The best way is to push them close to each other and force them to shake hands.

This can be fun as a way to get small revenge on someone, or just for a good laugh. It's better doing it in a public place with a larger crowd such as a concert, sporting event, ect.

An awkward meet and greet, however, should NEVER be done with 2 people who are known to have a serious issue with one another, as it could lead to further problems if both people are unaware of the joke. Do at own risk.

John is with his best friend Bill at a concert where he sees Rachel, a girl Bill had asked out a few times but kept getting denied by with lame excuses.

John: (walking over to Rachel) Rachel, Rachel!

Rachel: What's up?

John: You've got to come over here to meet my friend (brings her over to Bill and pushes them together forcing them to shake hands)

Rachel and Bill: (Both with uncomfortable looks on their face)

John: Rachel this is Bill, Bill this is Rachel. I'd just thought I'd introduce my 2 good friends to each other.

Rachel: Oh... hey.

Bill: Uh, hey. (Walks away and pulls John with him) You suck, what was that for? That was so awkward.

John: Haha that's payback for not covering me last weekend, nothing like a good ol' awkward meet and greet!

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Meet And Greet - definition

Code for blowjob or fellatio.

It was that time of the month, so I got my boyfriend off with a meet and greet.

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Meet And Greet - slang

Select your choice motherfucker

Welcome to my meet or greet motherfucker, you gotta choose

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Meet And Greet

To hook up with someone before knowing the person, similar to one night stand.

"Dude, do you actually know that girl or was it more of a meet and greet?"

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Meet And Greet

Business jargon for a function before a professional meeting, seminar, convention or conference where you go to meet people in your field to network and get laid.

The National Protological Association annuall convention's meet and greet was a success. I met with the heads of 5 manufactures, 4 resellers, 2 financiers, and 3 cocktail waitresses.

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