Definder - what does the word mean?

What is McMan?

adj. word referring to something that is all that is man. used to describe something manly/huge/awesome. borderline arnold-like. can be added to words to make new, more manly words.

1) John Rambo went on a diesel mcman killing spree in Rambo First Blood: Part 2. he killed around 80 people himself

2) Rambo then ate a diesel mcmanwich, which consisted of 3 pounds of turkey(that he hunted), greasy bacon, nails, a beehive filled with bees, and lava-sauce.

3) Kevin Garnett unleashed a diesel mcman roar when he dunked over lebron james. every baby in the TD banknorth garden was blinded, made deaf, or suffered paralysis from the blast.

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McMan - meme gif

McMan meme gif

McMan - video


McMan - what is it?

A delicious sandwich from the popular fast food chain McDonald's. The sandwich includes, a double cheeseburger as well as a chicken sandwich and small fri ordered off the dollar menu. To assemble, slide the chicken sandwich between the two beef patties, and then place the small fri on top. At most McDonald's, the cashier will know what you are talking about, but may ask you what it is just to verify that they are thinking of the same thing. This sandwich is usually only consumed by drunk college kids who wish to satisfy their hunger.

Cashier: Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?
Man: Hey can I get a McMan?
Cashier: Sure, would you like a drink?
Man: Nah I'm good.

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