Definder - what does the word mean?

What is May the fourth be with you?

β€œNational get annoyed that everyone says this phrase and your whole mood is ruined Day”

β€œYeah bro I just got off of school and so many nerds kept saying May The Fourth Be With You, like bruh your the seventh person that has told me that today”

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May the fourth be with you - video


May the fourth be with you - what is it?

Something teachers say because they think they are funny and cool!

Brittany: Oh my god Roni! The teachers think they are so cool! Like May The Fourth Be With You! Like shut up!
Roni: Yahh! Like stop! Seriously! Like today!!!

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What does "May the fourth be with you" mean?

A Star Wars geek's favorite holiday

Star Wars geek: Happy May The Fourth Be with you!
Person: They are so annoying, nobody else cares

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May the fourth be with you - what does it mean?

A holiday mostly run by Disney on Disney Channel where Star Wars is celebrated. The reason why this holiday is celebrated is because it is a play on words for the phrase "may the force be with you"

Disney has a complete Star Wars related lineup today because of May The Fourth Be With You.

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May the fourth be with you - meaning

International Star Wars day; also a day when Star Wars fans from across the globe spread their knowledge on Star Wars

Be strong young Jedi. May the fourth be with you!

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May the fourth be with you - definition

International Star Wars Day, May 4th.

May the fourth be with you all.

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May the fourth be with you - slang

The official phrase of Star Wars day (also known as Jedi day) which is on May 4th.

Its synonymous to "may the force be with you", which is said in Star Wars a lot

nerd 1: yayy may 4 finally's here, happy star wars day!!!
nerd 2: yes my Jedi friend, may the fourth be with you

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