Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Massing?

Used on the in the Bay Area of California. May mean in the extreme, large quantities, or something that is gnarly.
Has recently fallen into usage for something that is deep or meaningful

I had mass issues with that movie, it sucked in so many ways.
I was hungry, so I bought mass chips.
Did you see that guy's wave? It was mass.
My professor of philosophy can be so mass sometimes.

👍81 👎51

Massing - meme gif

Massing meme gif

Massing - video


Massing - what is it?

Mass is how much matter is in an object. Please not this is a scientific definition and mass does not mean weight. Weight means how much force is acting on an object due to gravity.

My mass is 50kg

👍25 👎11

What does "Massing" mean?

a phrase from the Pacific Northwest United States meaning many, or, very.;
to the extreme;
lots of something;
same thing as "hella" in the Bay Area and similar to the Bostononian's "wicked."

Seattle music was mass awesome, but it's popularity fucked it up mass.
There was mass shit in the toilet after you used it.
Man, do I sound mass dumb.

👍209 👎107

Massing - what does it mean?

The celebration of the Holy Eucharist in the Catholic Church. The highest form of worship and sacrifice you can offer up to God.

I try to make it to Mass more than once a week.

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Massing - meaning

A noun commonly referring to large amounts of muscle, often the result of weight training. Mass can suggest both heavy lean and bulk muscle.

John put on some serious mass!

👍107 👎43

Massing - definition

1. the amount of matter something consists of
2. relating to the masses, that is, of large numbers of people
3. a Catholic religious ceremony

1. Do you know the mass of an wordelectron?
2. There was a mass demonstration against the war.
3. I've been to Mass twice, and I'm not even Catholic.

👍105 👎43

Massing - slang

Common people, ignorant masses, etc...
A concept that may be understood as an extremely large group of people all over the world. All of them may not think for their own, either for economical reasons (lack of food/ too much exhaustive work), or just plain ignorance of the human sciences (lack of education).

The purpose of this social class is to be controlled by extremelly small groups of people through propaganda, they can hold any kind of ideas, they use the masses as means of power in the whole system.

A: join me and we'll have more parades and fireworks, national pride ftw!
ignorant masses: deal

B: join me and I'll give you social security and unemployment insurance.
ignorant masses: deal

C: join me and we'll take properties from evil burgeoise and everybody will be equal.
ignorant masses: deal

D: if you don't buy this brand new Iphone, you will not be as cool as your friends. Buy one today and get a 15% discount.
ignorant masses: deal

PS: the above examples have been extremely simplified, the model is actually 500 times more complex IRL.

👍127 👎51


The Singular, Redemptive, Eternal, and Expiatory Sacrifice of Christ on Calvary being made present on the Altar of Sacrifice. The Mass is re-presentation what he offered to the Eternal Father 2000 years ago in a far corner of the earth and applying the fruits and merits to you in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist.

I am going to go to Mass.

👍47 👎13


the masses:
a large population
people at large

The Pope preaches to the masses.

👍203 👎59


An abbreviation for Massachusetts used by locals because none of us can spell it.

Yeah I'm from Mass.

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