Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mask off?

It is a stupid and pointless joke revolving around Future's new top-hit - "Mask Off". This challenge was popularized by two guys, in which one guy in the back sings an A-Capella version, or tries to imitate the rhythm of the song, while another person sings the hook of the song. This challenge can be done with multiple people.

Daquan: Aye, man! You heard of that "Mask Off Challenge"?
Jaequan- Hell yeah, nigga! We got turnt up last night during that frat house party. We all was singing "Percocets, Molly Percocets", while one nigga in the back was just humming the tune.
Daquan: Aye man, we all 'bout that shit now. God bless Future for making such a beautiful masterpiece
Jaequan: True dat!

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Mask off - video


Mask off - what is it?

Preparing to take a life in "criminal activity". (versus "Mask-on", where no lives will be taken in "criminal activity")

They saw your face; this is mask-off homie, end em'.

Mask-on homie, we lickin' this house.

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What does "Mask off" mean?

A type of event staged by a group of people who upon entering a large store remove their masks in protest against Covid restrictions.

Fed up with restrictions and never-ending lockdowns, the group decided to stage a mask-off at the local Walmart.

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Mask off - what does it mean?

Y'all know

represent, gotta represent, mask off, mask off

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Mask off - meaning

when a girl takes off her makeup

Outside is too hot, time to take the mask off.

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Mask off - definition

When u quit playin and be 100 wit people

I'm tired of acting all polite with these po pos, fuck it next time I get pulled over they gonna see the real me G, mask off.

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Mask off - slang

1. The biggest hit by rapper Future, anchored by a strong flute and a dank-ass hook.
2. When you come clean about something you don't care about.

1. Percocet
Molly percocet
Molly percocet
Rep the set
Gotta rep the set
Chase a check
Never chase a bitch
Mask on, fuck it, mask off

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Mask off

How Future says Jack off

In future’s 2017 hit mask off, every time he says mask off he means jack off

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Mask off

Mask off is a term derived from 'The Mask of Sanity: An Attempt to Clarify Some Issues About the So-Called Psychopathic Personality', a book written by American psychiatrist Hervey M. Cleckley.

A psychopath, by clinical definition, is someone born without the ability to experience genuine human emotions. In order to receive acceptance from society, the psychopath, from a very young age learns to expertly mimic the emotions of a normally functioning person. This is referred to as the ability to 'mask' or disguise the fundamental lack of internal personality structure.

'Mask off' refers to the periods of time where the psychopath drops this false façade, which normally results in repeatedly purposeful destructive behavior, often more self-destructive than destructive to others.

I can't believe Marks behavior last night, he really had his mask off.

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Mask off

When you just don't care anymore. Made popular by Future's Song "Mask off" Where it is used to show that he doesn't care if people see him doing criminal activities so he doesn't wear a mask.

I wasn't gonna tell Jenny that I liked her but she's moving soon so, fuck it, mask off.

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