Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Margareta?

A future tennis-pro who most likely lives in a big city. She loves to spend time with her family, and loves food specially vanilla

Omg you are such an Ellen Alice Margareta Underskog
Yeah i know, i love vanilla

👍25 👎11

Margareta - meme gif

Margareta meme gif

Margareta - video


Margareta - what is it?

Margareta a means pearl in Latin but she is a Sacndinacin woman who is not selfish, caring, but a self-critic, awesome person. If you meet her is will teach you everything good about Sweden, or Norway or any Nordic country.

There goes Margareta on again about Sweden.

👍51 👎15

What does "Margareta" mean?

Originally a German name for female royalty, this is now a modern term for the beautifully psychedelic flowers of Ecuador- fiercely beautiful, yet wild as an animal.


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