Definder - what does the word mean?

What is big city?

Originally made popular by the heavy metal band, The Scorpions, a "Big City Night" is any night which involves debauchery, fun, or excitement (or any combination thereof). The deliberately vague term, "Big City Night" was probably designed to apply to as many people as possible. Whether a person is having a "Grand Metropolis Evening," or a "Little Village Afternoon," is unimportant.

Any given person's "Big City Night" may be classified as a cool story bro by any other person, unless said person was participating in the big city night himself.

Guy 1: Remember that time last week when we went out for a night on the town?
Guy 2: You mean the night when we went to sixteen different parties and blew up a minivan after going to a BBQ and purchasing no fewer than seventy hats?
Guy 1: Yeah.
Guy 2: I'd definitely say that we could classify that as a big city night.
Guy1: My thoughts exactly.

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big city - video

Big city - what is it?

A sex position where the two consenting adults smash their butt cheeks together repeatedly.

"We were in the middle of nowhere, I had to show her how do it big city style."

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What does "big city" mean?

A wedgie given to someone who has not wiped, usually due to reasons beyond their control.

As Ernie came out of the bathroom, I gave him a Big City Wedgie to which he bemoaned, "What's your problem man? I didn't wipe! That's not funny!"

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Big city - what does it mean?

A Disney show. The series focuses on Cricket Green, a mischievous and optimistic country boy who moves to the Big City with his family. Cricket’s curiosity and enthusiasm leads his wildly out of place family on epic journeys, and into the hearts of his new neighbors.

Have you seen the show "Big City Greens?"
Yes, it's amazing!

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Big city - meaning

One of the greatest shows ever. Too Bad Cartoon Network got rid of it...

Sheep had to avoid General Specific and Private Public in the big city.

Oxymoron ________ with the power of an OX!!!!

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Big city - definition

Chicks from larger cities that fuck guys from rural areas. Typically used by hockey players

"Roady to the big city this weekend boys"
"You know what that means"

"Big city slams boys"

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Big city - slang

What you say when you have lost your idealism and your find yourself as many people do: In a room drinking wine out of a burger king cup with ice in it, smoking a pack of Marlboro Reds a day and saying the N word.

Tim's Mother: "The cops are probably going to raid the house because they are running a pretty big coke operation upstairs."

Dennis: Life in the Big City

Tim's Mother: "Your kids who you haven't seen in five years called you. And because you were so drunk, they hung up the phone, and they never want to speak to you again."

Dennis: Life in the Big City

For further definition of the word visit

Tim Dillon's Podcast

Episode 164 Life In The Big City

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Big city

To "Big City" a girl is to flip her around suddenly during sexual intercourse and, without her consent(or knowledge) skeet in her ass.

That bitch was complaining so I pulled a "Big City" in her ass...

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Big city

the real deal. the big time. the quintessential urban metropolis. new york city

going to the big city. going to new york

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Big city

The urban and modern "civilized" version of a jungle.

Chicago is an example of a jungle, cuz it swallows you up.

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