Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mao ZeDONG's?

The kill-death ratio of Mao Zedong, which is 6,000,000 kills to 1 death, beating Hitler's kill to death ratio by a wide margin.

Kevin: bro have you seen Mao Zedong's KDR?
Joe: no i haven't.
Kevin: let me just tell you that he has a positive KDR.

👍59 👎13

Mao ZeDONG's - video


Mao ZeDONG's - what is it?

The greatest Chinese leader no doubt in the history, although western countries like to discribe him as a dictator because of the ideology reasons. He is the only person who was able to bring back China's self-confidence that has been lost in the past centries. Under his lead, China were involved in two wars agaist USA, the strongest evil contry in the world in Korea War and Viet Nam War. China also paid big price but there is no doubt USA was not the winner. Ameria is a symbol for freedome and democracy, but as a matter of fact, America imposes his own value on others. America has the largeest amount of neuclear weapon but he doesn't allow other countries to develop neuclear weapon. What is the philosiphy? Mao ZeDong is the only person who can represent the real freedom and democracy, which is independent of Amerian standard.

Mao ZeDong led Chinese people to stand up again!

👍751 👎1009

What does "Mao ZeDONG's" mean?

The only dictator in human history who could be considered to be worse than Hitler. Responsible for the genocide of 40 million people. Also a notorious pedophile to boot. His only redeeming quality was that some of his poetry was actually decent, but that hardly makes up for his innumerable crimes and perversion. For some reason he is still highly regarded in China even though the current Chinese dictatorship believes in practically nothing that Mao believed in.

Mao ZeDONG's actions towards the Tibetans were comparable to Hitler's actions towards the Jews.

👍703 👎911

Mao ZeDONG's - what does it mean?

The leader of Chinese Revolution, founding father of the New China, known as "the Chairman" or "Chairman Mao" to the Chinese people. Chairman Mao is one of the most hated and vilified figure in the West, because he broke the shackle of century-long Western domination and looting of China, because he made China a world power after beat off the US led Western Alliance in Korea. For the first time in history, the West had to sign truce with a third world country.

Chairman Mao made mistakes in "Great Leap Forward", but the huge loss of life was mainly due to Western blockade of food supplies to China as China endured a severe famine. 8-10 millions lives were lost.

Nonetheless, the founding of New China set the Chinese nation on an upward path after century long decline and exploitation in the hands of the West. Today China is poised to be a leading nation in the 21st century. For that, the people of China are forever grateful to the great Chairman.

Mao ZeDong is demonized in the West.

Mao ZeDong is a great hero to Chinese people.

👍1135 👎1429

Mao ZeDONG's - meaning

A Chinese dictator who killed 75 million people and is know as the dictator who has killed the most people but not according to china who thinks he was a good man.

Mao Zedong is good

👍39 👎19

Mao ZeDONG's - definition

A communist that ruined a perfectly good country. A liar to his people, his world and his country. A lowly backstabbing swine. He did NOT make his country powerful. He made his country into a overpopulated country where food is almost a luxury. He put retarded peasants in government positions, in other words, he had other, equally retarded, and gay people running his government as himself. He was NOT a war hero that fought the Japanese, he was backstabbing the Nationalists. He is a disgrace to the asian race and to the Chinese culture.

Mao Zedong? Oh you mean the sick, twisted commie?

👍1169 👎1185

Mao ZeDONG's - slang

When a Chinese girl leaves you during foreplay. She will take all the good food before she leaves and will not return any of it. A full Mao Zedong is when she comes back to finish the job.

"Dude, she's such a bitch."


"Dude, she went full Mao Zedong on my ass and dumped me."

👍71 👎39

Mao ZeDONG's

Leader of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP), which forced the nationalist Chinese out of China and into Taiwan. He turned China into a communist state. He was responsible for the death of millions in his "Great Leap Forward." His body is now on display at a memorial in Beijing.

There were many evil dictators in history: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong

👍1101 👎979

Mao ZeDONG's

Someone who is worse than both Hitler and Stalin yet no one seems to talk about.

Hey man I support Bernie Sanders
Shut up Mao Zedong

👍389 👎181

Mao ZeDONG's

1. n. Vile, evil ruler of China from the end of WWII to the early 1970's. Killed millions of his own people with forced collectivization of agriculture, the "Great Leap Forward," and most of all with the power-restoration maneuver resulting from the famine created by Great Leap Forward known as the "Cultural Revolution." Faclitated a transfer of power to a group of even more evil people called the Gang of Four that included his wife. The tyrant can be considered on equal footing with the next definition.

2. n. The excrement of Microtus pennsylvanicus. You guessed it, its "mousie dung."

An example of Mao Zedong's thinking can be taken from his book, "The Wit and Wisdom of Chairman Mao," where he writes, "Politics comes out of the barrel of a gun."

👍3719 👎1709