Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Manmeat?

another word describing the male organ ( a penis)

"Dude get your MANMEAT out of my mouth!"
" Im Gonna Punch You In The MANMEAT!"

👍107 👎71

Manmeat - meme gif

Manmeat meme gif

Manmeat - video


Manmeat - what is it?

Not only is this a part of the male anatomy, but it is also now a food group for a few selective drunken females.

"Name a breakfast food that starts with the letter M." "I could say muffin, but I'm going with MANMEAT!"

"Manmeat. Have you had your protein lately?"

👍207 👎99

What does "Manmeat" mean?

A guy who is amazingly attractive. Such as, something you'd see in a magazine.

Damn Maria!! check out that manmeat!

👍105 👎81