Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MUP?

It can replace any word so only you an someone else can comprehend what exactly you talking bout

Pass me the mup.

Clean your mupy
I'm chewing my mup

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MUP - meme gif

MUP meme gif

MUP - video


MUP - what is it?

Sometimes, when someone is being a muppet, calling them one isn't needed and the three letter abbreviation will suffice. Another way of calling them a pillock.

"shit, dropped my phone down the bog."
"You mup."

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What does "MUP" mean?

1. Irish Term used when event of satisfaction occurs. Origins are probably from mushing together the words “come up” .
2. Also used as verb with similar meaning to ‘go’
3. A less common use of the word is when it is used as a noun in place of the word “drugs”

1. That girl said I’ve a cute dog. Muuup
2. Are you mupping tonight son ;)
3. Lad your surely on the mup tonight son dirty sublic yup yup

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MUP - what does it mean?

Something that is lit up and easily flammable. When lit, it denotes intense, physical action compounded by a song that will get stuck in your head. Introduced during the 2013 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs.

"Light a Mup Mup Mup. Light a Mup Mup Mup. Light a Mup Mup Mup. I'M ON FI-YAH" - Fall Out Boy

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MUP - meaning

Succulent squashy man breasts with small amounts of man fur.

Let me snuggle into your lovely mup mups Mr B. Shoe.

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MUP - definition

Slang word to describe female genitals. Aka vagina.

You gonna give me some mup mup tonight?
Girl need to shave my mup mup before tonight

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MUP - slang

Reffering to a mega ultra pussy

Damn, did you see that girl wit da major MUP?

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Abbreviation of Monster Ultra Paradise

*cracks open a Monster Ultra Paradise* "it's time to MUP up motherfucker"

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"Multi Use Pathway"

I ride on a MUP into work.

There are no bike-lanes or MUPs in my city.
I was doing about 15 (mph) on a MUP when a roadie overtook me.

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A hybrid between a monkey and a puppy often used to describe a rare breed of a human species. This particular meaning only pertains to those who sing the song: "me just a mup and me eat a lot of stuff".

Rahul is such a mup. He has big ears and even sniffs me.

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