Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MEW's?

Mew means you want someone to fuck you against the wall all night long.
Usually said in group chats and when no one really knows what it means

*in chat with someone*
"(some kind of funny thing)"

"Omg! That is hilarious! XD"

*five minutes later*

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MEW's - meme gif

MEW's meme gif

MEW's - video


MEW's - what is it?

The best damn pokemon in existence. Pink, compact and rather adorable, this pokemon is the only reason why anyone still plays the game. He's a master of mind-games and being one of the hardest Pokemon to catch (which 1is worth it because he can use any move!)

OMG! It's aboutntime Nintendo frickin' made a frickin' Mew Event *in America!*

I know, Japan gets *everything!*

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What does "MEW's" mean?

An exclimation meant to represent the sound of a kitten. It is often followed by Japanese-styled emoticons to help exemplify the feeling.

Mew mew mew! ^.^
Mewwwwwwwwwwwww... T_T

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MEW's - what does it mean?

Great danish pop band. Started out on their own record label,Evil Office, but are now signed with Sony.
Known for their beautiful and thoughtful lyrics, and really sweet sound.
They usually call their fans "frengers" wich means people that are "not quite friends, not quite strangers".
This also gave name to their first album released with Sony, "Frengers".

"I heard this danish band yesterday.. Mew.. they're music is painfully beautiful."

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MEW's - meaning

Cat-Like and sweet Pink Pokemon.

Sound that cat Make.

Furry happiness Sound.

Thats so sweet *Mewww*

*Mew happily*

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MEW's - definition

The genetic ancestor of all Pokemon. A floating pink cat-like creature. Mewtwo was created using DNA extracted from Mew's fossilized eyebrow. The leader of Team Rocket, known as Giovanni, was not satisfied with a mere clone of Mew, and instead insisted that a "superclone" be made by tinkering with Mew's DNA.

It was the last mistake he ever made.

Mew was retconned on September 28th, 2006, with the release of Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl in Japan, and with it the introduction of Arceus, the "God of all Pokemon." This created a conundrum of sorts, as it is explicitly stated that Mew's DNA can be found in the DNA of ALL POKEMON, yet Arceus was said to have existed before the universe itself began. Apparently, those continuity checkers at Nintendo didn't do such a great job, eh?

"Mew!" -Mew

"That is Mew, the rarest of all Pokemon. From its DNA we created you, Mewtwo."

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MEW's - slang

A technique attributed to a British orthodontist named Mike Mew that involves putting pressure on the roof of your mouth with your tongue to try and change the shape of your face by moving your maxilla up and forwards with the lateral pressure of your tongue. This fits into the broader looksmax approach to self-modification in the name of love and romance.

Stacy "Yh Chad has some nice ass jaw now. He's been mewing for 6 months now"

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Another name for marshmallow.

β€œWhile making s’mores my mew mew caught fire.”

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An exclamation or retort used to interrupt someone who is complaining about something trivial. Usually said from one guy to another, with the undertone of "quit whining because your pussy hurts."

Likely (d)evolved from the expression "wah, my pussy hurts" since a hurt pussy cat would mew, mew, mew.

Sometimes used along with QQ or pew pew.

- Wait, I can't find my favorite pair of gloves and I haven't written a note for my roommate and...
- Mew mew mew, yeah whatever, let's go, we're late.

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a very cute and cuddly lil specimen; loves to laugh and has too many good qualities to list here!

*Mew Mew huggles yew*

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