Definder - what does the word mean?


The greatest island on earth. A typical islander has money, looks, class and the Mercedes to back it up. It's true that we are just more wealthy than everyone else, but when people tell us that "Money doesn't buy happiness", we just smile to ourselves because we know that's just a lie we tell Bellevue and Newport so they don't riot. We're not stuck up, we just know that we're better than you. To sum it up, the crown jewel of Lake Washington will always be a haven for the best of high society, the bosses of the big companies, and the classiest, most beautiful ladies you will ever meet.

Note: With money comes expensive alcohol and fashionable drugs, so we know how to hold our liquor and master our highs just as well as any trailer park-ho from Renton. Don't for a minute be fooled by our refined style, we're always up for a good time.

Aspire to live on Mercer Island.
Once an Islander, always an Islander.

👍141 👎135



MERCER ISLAND - what is it?

A land brought down from heaven into a lake situated between Seattle and Bellevue. This fantasy among subburban paradises is home to some of the most kind hearted and ebullient people i know. This 13 mile round, foot shaped island is also home to one of the 5 richest people in the world, Paul Allen, and Brad Pitt is proud to be an islander. Bill Gates lives in Medina, aka the land of the scary little peep who pop out of bushes if you try and go there. Mercer Island, an affluent society raises its children to become the next stars of America. The high school, praised by God himself, sends students to practically every Ivy-League school in america, can bellevue say that? No. The school also boasts state champion teams and KingoChamps anually. Sure football sucks but atleast Mercer Island isnt known for the best male butt tapping sport in the state.

My name is Taj, from far east and even i have heard of mercer island, where the beauties of the west are born. Suck my COCK Bellevue!

👍149 👎131

What does "MERCER ISLAND" mean?

An island located on Lake Washington. There's a high school that other than better funding is like every other high school ever. Someday the MIHS graduates and their rivals will look back on this page and laugh and/or wonder why they ever cared so much about arbitrary rivalries. Just like I'm doing right now.

None of you are going to care about Mercer Island or its high school 4 years from now. Enjoy the ride and don't be douches to each other.

👍51 👎27

MERCER ISLAND - what does it mean?

an island in lake washington

go to mercer island for the weekend

👍91 👎63


An island in proximity to Seattle, Bellevue, and many other Western Washington cities. While rumored to be a stuck-up, rich community, it actually is filled with nice, oftentimes middle-class families. It just goes to show that stereotypes are not always accurate. In fact, more often than not, they are far from it.

And football teams aren't the sole factor in determining a school's greatness. For those of you who do not know.

Insert name of Generic Ignorant person here: LULZ M-EYE SUKKS! MERCER ISLAND IZ FO RICHH FAGBAGZ!

Me: ...Way to stereotype.

👍155 👎105

MERCER ISLAND - definition

A very stereotyped place with a lot of rich people, but a lot of them are still really nice. Not all who live on Mercer Island are rich and not all are spoiled.

Me: Hey-
Crazy Woman: Ykno mercer island sux!
Me: Uh-
Crazy Woman: They're all weird stuk-up rich people!
Me: Wut? I-
Crazy Woman: They selfish br-
Me: LISTEN 2 ME WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

👍383 👎203


A beautiful scenic island located in the center of Lake Washington, full of friendly, but wealthy people who own your daddies business. Don't get too jealous.

Oh shit, I wish I lived on Mercer Island so I wouldn't have to eat CORNBREAD again tonight!

👍841 👎463


Mercer Island is about 13 miles around and wedged in the lake in between the Seattle area and the Bellevue area. Most notoriously known for its monetary stature, a very large portion of the island it very middle class, but has many wealthy families as well. The high school (MIHS) has a deep rivalry against Bellevue, and each have their own bragging rights. Where Mercer Island boasts over 95% over of their graduating student going onto college, superior academic standards and an average of 3-7 state titles per year, Bellevue has a dynasty football team and.... the pancake corral which they feel compelled to yell at the Islanders during games for lack of a better phrase.

Bellevue: Pancake Corral!!
Mercer Island: ?

👍287 👎133


Pretty much the greatest place on earth.

I think Bellevue is jealous of Mercer Island.

👍1137 👎593


Although people from Mercer Island, mainly teenagers, are known as stuck up, rich, white people most are not. In fact they are some of the nicest people I have ever met and they get a great education. Although the football team sucks, they pwn everyone at every other sport, except baseball and basketball. state champs in Golf, Swimming, Water Polo (mens and womens), lacrosse (mens and womens), and runner up in gymnastics. who can have 6 champion teams in one year, not bellevue. Also, there are many great bands that are from Mercer Island like Oceans in Oblivion, Left at the Castle, Left Lane, Mercury and used to be I-90. One more thing, not everybody is rich.

Mercer Island pwns Bellevue.

👍545 👎247