Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MARIYAH?

A very lesbian women who is hot and sexy and smart and yeah.They love video games and gymnastics.She often listens to music-specially Mitski.


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MARIYAH - meme gif

MARIYAH meme gif

MARIYAH - video


MARIYAH - what is it?

A mariyah is usually the β€˜mum’ of the group,She’ll stop her friends from getting into worse situations but will kick anyone’s ass if someone hurts her friends. She is really pretty although thinks she is ugly. Usually born in March and not a goody goody but not a baddie either. Very nice person to date once you get to know her . Letters she would date are: L,C,D,E

Mariyah your such a mum!
Woah that Mariyah over there is fine!

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What does "MARIYAH" mean?

a girl whose only aim is to steal hoodies. they say once a hoodie has been taken by her it vanishes out of existence and is never to be seen again. watch out for this one fellow gamers!

do not take your hoodie off in front of a mariyah

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MARIYAH - what does it mean?

A very nice pretty girl who is smart and very opinionated. She has a lot of male friends who she doesn't know actually like her. Her dream boyfriend is a boy named Charles. She has a lot of friends and is a very reliable person PERIOD!

James: yo look at the fine girl isn’t her name Mariyah?

Charles: Ayeee man back tf off that’s my girl

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MARIYAH - meaning

a funny, lovable friend who will buy something even if they broke asf. mariyah is nice but will clap back anytime, anywhere. mariyah is most likely is band being a percussionist and loves to listen to yeat, sza, and future since they are the best people ever and hates the band teacher she has. we all ❀️ mariyah

percussionist no.1 : have you met mariyah?
clarinetist no 1: no why ?
percussionist no 2: WDF IS WRONG WITH U

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MARIYAH - definition

A sweet girl who has the looks, the smarts, & is really fun to be around. Everyone loves her, except people who are jealous of her awesomeness! Her smile will melt your heart, her eyes will hypnotize, and everything else that makes up a Mariyah will leave you breathless. She's to die for!

I never truly smiled, or laughed, or felt butterflies in my tummy, ...until I met her! She was such a Mariyah! <3

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MARIYAH - slang

A sweet and pretty girl<3 she is always facing problems in life but she always also finds her way through them. She is a quiet girl in front of others but when you get to know her then she’s your lifeline❀️ She loves to listen to music and draw, you should never get on her bad side because you will regret itπŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ»

Girl: ooh I can see her there! What’s her name?
Girl 2: her name is mariyah! She’s so sweetttt

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An amazing person who you can also trust and rely on. Mariyahs give good advice and are extremely pretty. They often wear glasses so it is important to look beyond that. They have hearts of gold and are very understanding. They go through a lot in life, mostly bad, but they always try to make everyone around them happy instead on themselves.

Boy 1: My girlfriend is perfect
Boy 2: She must be a Mariyah

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A mariyah is sweet,cute,extremely beautiful,she may have a huge amount of haters but she ignores them she makes friends easily and has a laugh that melts your heart her eyes hypnotize she's funnysweet.Even though she goes through tough times she's always positive and is Always there for her friends.Even if she's just on the internet and talking to you,you instantly fall in love

Amy:wow who's that girl over there?
Samuel:that's mariyah she's so pretty I hope one day she'll be mine.

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Mariyah is a girl who is just simply... Perfect. She's too perfect for words, and just flawless inside and out. Mariyah is a sweet, reliable, humorous, friendly, and a very kind soul. If you're her closest friend, she can get comfortable with you and just joke around. She has a laugh that sounds like an angel, and a voice that will just make you smile. Even if she's just on the internet, and you've never actually met her in real lifem, she makes you smile and laugh in every way possible. To be honest, she hasn't had a perfect life, or a perfect family, but she's still trying to be the best that she can be, and living life to its limits.

Random Person: My internet friend is such a perfect friend!
Other Random Person: I've met her online before, she's just like a Mariyah!

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