Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MALISA?

The reason I have childhood trauma.shes ugly too. Shes also a total bitch

Ur being a total malisa

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MALISA - meme gif

MALISA meme gif

MALISA - video


MALISA - what is it?

Dummy, a BITER. Shy & Quiet. Can be nice, wants to be cool.

Person 1:Hey, did you know the song My Boo & Dilemma is my song?
Person 2: What are you talking ABOUT? I just told you thats my song yesterday?
Person 1: What.. What.. I dont rememberrrr...

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What does "MALISA" mean?

badass mango girl and quiet and shy but very cool and amazing and can fill you with temptation ooh. swag muffin game bich and is the reason for childhood trauma. very cool swagger with pretty friends and is OBSESSED with BTS. dummy quiet and wants to be cool and quirky. a total bitch and gives childhood trauma to ppl.

you're such a MALISAA

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MALISA - what does it mean?

person with the most swag. Has the prettiest friends lol. Obsessed with BTS πŸ™ŒπŸ€žπŸΌπŸ˜›

malisa is cool

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MALISA - meaning

MALISA is the kind of person you love to bring everywhere because they are hilarious and isn’t afraid of adventure or risks. This person gives so much love but deep down is one sad mother fucker.

My life is missing a Malisa.

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MALISA - definition

malisa likes to eat mango's, mango's are badass

omg malisa is that a mango how many have you ate!

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MALISA - slang

Someone who is extremely cool and amazing, a temptation , fulfill with love

Your a malisa

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