Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Long cat?

When a cat is possesed by a demon called Long Johnson and cant stop speaking out Long Johnson.

Ooh Long Johnson......Oooh Long Johnson cat. Ooooh Long

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Long cat - video


Long cat - what is it?

Another word for a ferret.

Ho: Yo I heard my pimp got himself some Long Cats.
Other Ho: Oh yeah I heard that too!
Ho: Yeah I heard the homie is callin' him a long cat but he really a ferret!
Other Ho: Oooooo GURL YOU RATCHET!

👍37 👎23

What does "Long cat" mean?

/b/ meme.
One day, there was a picture of a cat. It was not Caturday but this specific cat was so long it became a meme and, though the day was not specifically the day of cats, this cat's length became famous.

Many new lusers speculate that this cat is not lengthy, but it is in fact long.

Long cat is looooooooooooooooooong.

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