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What is Lil tay?

A bratty ads bitch who flexes on everyone with her parents stuff and thinks she's hot shit

Lil Tay is a bitch

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Lil tay - video


Lil tay - what is it?

Lil tay is a nine year old girl who her brother makes say shit that makes people mad. She flexes stuff that’s not hers because her mom and brother let her. #Saveliltay

Lil tay is the youngest flexed of the century

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What does "Lil tay" mean?

One of the richest Chinese pricks to ever touch the earth

The lil Tay flexed on the jake Paul

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Lil tay - what does it mean?

Little 9 year old brat who flexes with her daddy's stuff and was raised by the streets. And for some reason iCarly manages her account.

Lil tay calls herself youngest flexer of the century.

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Lil tay - meaning

Lil tay is a retarded bitch! Who flexes her parents stuff.

Lil tay is a bitch period.

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Lil tay - definition

Fake girl who uses houses from her moms real estate job and rented cars

Omg he’s so lil tay

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Lil tay - slang

A 9 year old girl that thinks she is the β€œyoungest flexer of the century”. She steals every line from Lil pump for example β€œthis shit cost more then your rent”. She thinks she the shit and she needs to go ride a damn bike and get the hell off of social media.

Okay man, don’t be a lil tay

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Lil tay

A little bitch who flexes with her PARENTS STUFF and thinks shes cool for being rich and irresponsible

Person 1:hey have u seen lil tays profile pic on instagram??

Person 2 :yea its Danielle Brogoli getting chocked

Person3: but she didnt do that shes wayyy to short and wayyyy to dumb and young to do that

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Lil tay

A lil 9 yr old that says her bathtub costs more than your rent.

β€œMy bathtub costs more than your rent.”

Yo wassup have u heard of the Asian Dora lil tay.

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Lil tay

RiceGum's annoying sister who, "Fucked your grandma."

Lil tay makes me want to kys

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