Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Like Really?

What a guy says when trying to convince a girl to sleep with him

I'm not so sure about this
Yeah, but I really like you

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Like Really - video


Like Really - what is it?

A song over tiktok. The lyrics to this song are as following:

Person 1: For me, I really like corn.
Person 2: Why do you like corn?
Person 1 It's corn! A big lump with knobs
It has the juice (it has the juice)
I just cant imagine a more beautiful thing!

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What does "Like Really" mean?

I want to sex you up

Hey baby, you should know that ever since I met you, that "I really like you."

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Like Really - what does it mean?

You mean LOVE?

Dad- "I like like you, like more than like, like LIKE LIKE you. Like REALLY LIKE LIKE LIKE you"
Son- "you mean love?"
Dad- "no"

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Like Really - meaning

A guy or girl saying they like you More then a friend

Him/her: hey I really like you

Him/her:I really like you tooπŸ˜ƒ

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Like Really - definition

u need bread cuz u hungry and since ur eating bread that is made by a man or woMAN that is gay
you big gay pee

person 1: hey guys I like really need to buy some bread in minecraft
person 2: no cuz thats gay
Person 1: ok

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Like Really - slang

His name is jeremy brito

jeremy brito is sus he’s a gay person like really gay

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Like Really

Phrase that at once concludes a narrative and indicates that all of the narrative details that have preceded this phrase have squandered irrecoverable moments of your life.

{Blah, blah, bitch, bitch, piss and moan}. And I was like,...really?

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Like Really

We need to chill so badly.
In person.

Like, really

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Like Really

When you can't believe something happened the way it happened.

Are you kidding me? Like really? Do you knowww who I am?

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