Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lightening bug?

a subject that can be used to control someone, as a killswitch for undesirable behavior. it is somewhat synonymous with blackmail, extortion, etc.. derived from the act of tying a Lightening bug (the southern term for Firefly) to a thread, so that it can be jerked around in the air, like a dog on a leash.

my friend told me one of his take-it-to-the-grave secrets, so I told him one of mine, as a lightening bug thread.

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Lightening bug - video


Lightening bug - what is it?

A very dangerous bug that shoot streams of lightening out its mouth. It draws in little children with a small pretty light until they get close enough to zap the fuck out of them so he can feed his fucking evil family who also kill children. Their babies taste like chinese food.

I saw a horde of lightening bugs so I hauled ass back inside my house

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