Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Light Head?

When an individual’s nips are hard or poking

Girl one: hey ur head lights are on
Girl two:oh my gosh thank you ,do you have a jacket I can borrow?
Girl one:yeah of course!!
Girl two:thank you

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Light Head - video


Light Head - what is it?

Driving to a known regular car sex location and high beaming the cars to catch people out on their dirty deads.

Brad: 'yo man, wanna go head lighting?'

Connor: 'yeah dude, let's go catch some dirties!'

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What does "Light Head" mean?

This wasused in the 60s , 70s and 80s , a chest and or amazing tits on a beautiful girl.

Raise your head lights youll blink

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Light Head - what does it mean?

Female breasts, or if you prefer, tits.

God, dude, did you see the head lights on her?

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Light Head - meaning

A somalian woman. The protruding forehead and teeth and the lump of hair at the back which is hidden under the usual somalian costume gives the head an appearance from the side which is similar to the shape of a light bulb.

Those light bulb heads are queueing at the benefits office at 8am every Tuesday and it doesn't open until 9.

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Light Head - definition

This one's for men. When you go to have sex, but can't get aroused.

"John, what's the matter with you?"
"Oh I'm just light"head"ed, maybe we can do this later?"

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Light Head - slang

Someone who get drunk easily, synonymous with being a 'lightweight.'

That chick's a total light head; she's only had a couple of Strongbows and she's already pissed

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