Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lemonade hose?

masturbation, more used as handjob
Lemonade hose - penis
Twisty wisty - to stroke

My uncle used to give my lemonade hose twisty wisty until my dad caught him and beat him with a shovel.

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Lemonade hose - video


Lemonade hose - what is it?

Your penis, ding a ling, dick

I give my lemonade hose twistie wisties

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What does "Lemonade hose" mean?

A goofy ahh way of saying penis (because pee is yellow like lemonade and comes out of a tubular object)

Quandale Dingle: My acquaintance Henry Bartholomew Dinglenut was spotted giving his father’s lemonade hose twisty wisties

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