Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Leave's?

An inarticulate way of saying 'left'.

I was gonna call you when she leaved.

👍43 👎19

Leave's - meme gif

Leave's meme gif

Leave's - video


Leave's - what is it?

Your dad

My dad is leaving me

👍45 👎19

What does "Leave's" mean?

when your ex gives you an option to stay or go after cheating on you.

ex: you have your options to stay or leave

me: see that door? im going TO LEAVE.

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Leave's - what does it mean?

Just leave.

Just leave me alone!

👍49 👎15

Leave's - meaning

To go out of, or away from. Such as leaving the house; to go elsewhere.

I should be leaving any moment now.

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Leave's - definition

Leave it, let it be.

Leave it.

My car won't start, leave it.

My wallet was stolen, leave it.

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Leave's - slang

Weed, Marijuana, Pot, Ganja, etc.

Dr. Dre: Still puffin' my leaves

👍171 👎53


The guy leaves his dick inside his woman after he's ejaculated. Depends on the each individual but personally I love it. To stay feeling connected after sex.

When you've finished having some good sex and the guy just doesn't wanna get out of you and leaves his dick inside. Can also be used to express 'leave it in music' i.e hot steamy RnB tunes that you just have to make out too.

👍101 👎23


something my dad is a pro at, and something you better not be good at

dont leave or ill cut u

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To have sex with your girl and leave as soon as possible.

I went to Barbie's house last night and had to leave it in and leave so I could go out with the boys.

👍79 👎33