Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Larty?

A word that is stupid and means nothing yet can be used in everything to piss people off e.g A little bit of larty darty in my life girlee or shut up shleem Liam you stupid larty darty

Shleem liam u larty darty you

👍27 👎13

Larty - meme gif

Larty meme gif

Larty - video


Larty - what is it?

larty=lan party

ya Dig

yo, dude the larty was SICK !

👍45 👎19

What does "Larty" mean?

another word for something that is funny

dude that shit was so larty

👍87 👎37

Larty - what does it mean?

A girl with a serious boyfriend or husband that goes out with the intent to seduce unassuming men into a one night stand or external relationship as an aside/escape from their serious relationship. Sometimes they're in the midst of trying to jump relationships or keep you under their thumb as they ultimately prove unattainable. Word comes from the combination of Lame and Party.

flirty, farty, lame, party


Friend: I think she's into me! Keeps giving me the eyes.
You: She's such a larty, didn't you know she has

👍31 👎21

Larty - meaning

A girl with a serious boyfriend or husband that goes out with the intent to seduce unassuming men into a one night stand or external relationship as an aside/escape from their serious relationship. Sometimes they're in the midst of trying to jump relationships or keep you under their thumb as they ultimately prove unattainable. Word comes from the combination of Lame and Party.

flirty, farty, lame, party


Friend: I think she's into me! Keeps giving me the eyes.
You: She's such a larty, didn't you know she has a husband?

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Larty - definition

A gay moron of a man who is bad at everything they do

Lucas is such a larty

👍31 👎17

Larty - slang

A lame party, a disappointment.

Lets get out of here, its a larty
How was the party last night? Party? Turned out to be a damn larty.

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