Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lame Fuck?

When specific people are not participating in an event that you support and or you do not take a liking of. Specifically lame shit on Snapchat.

"When I see people putting their name definitions on their Snapchat, the only thing I can think of is: yall lame as fuck"

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Lame Fuck - video


Lame Fuck - what is it?

"Fucking lames" is mostly used by the hispanic community mostly Chicano, "Fucking lames" is to describe a group of people and how fucking lame they look

nah foo let's not go with them to the Carne Asada, they some fucking lames homie.

👍25 👎11

What does "Lame Fuck" mean?

The term, "Lame Fuck Shit" is mostly used to express dissent in a fun way without getting the other person offended.

Also known as #LFS (Abbreviation).

Man 1: Man, the prime minister is doing a great job.
Man 2: No way, lame fuck shit.

👍55 👎13

Lame Fuck - what does it mean?

1.some one who is afraid and is not willing to take risks pussy chicken shit
2.horrible sex
3.some one who has no skill at fighting what so ever

1.Jeff:my mom said i can't go so im not going to
Jake: you lame fuck
2.damn that was the worst fuck i ever had. it was such a lame fuck
3.Damn, those lame fucks stood no chance againest me and just to think, there were five of them and only one of me...

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