Definder - what does the word mean?

What is LOATHE?

A word used by men & women, instead of the word love, when a girlfriend or boyfriend gets too serious about their relationship. Must be pronounced carefully to be effective. If asked to repeat, you're screwed.

Steven: Ok, I'll see you later.
Jessica: Bye Steven, I love you.
Steven: I loathe you too baby.

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LOATHE meme gif

LOATHE - video


LOATHE - what is it?

extreme hate. usually used by nerds and people who think theyre using big words to make themselves sound more intelligent.

omg i loathe canned tomatoes

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What does "LOATHE" mean?

TO dislike

I fucking loathe u and hope u die!

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LOATHE - what does it mean?

Unadulterated loathing
For a persons face
A persons voice
A persons clothing
Let's just say, they loathe it all!
Every little trait, however small
Makes a persons very flesh begin to crawl
With simple utter loathing
There's a strange exhilaration
In such total detestation
It's so pure! So strong!

Glinda and Elphaba: β€œAnd I will be loathing, Loathing you, My whole life long!”

Rude background peeps: β€œDear Glinda, you are just too good! How do you stand it? I don't think I could! She's a terror! She's a tartar! We don't mean to show a bias, But Glinda you're a martyr!”

Glinda: β€œWell, these things are sent to try us!”

Rude background peeps: β€œPoor Glinda, forced to reside, With someone so disgusticified. We just want to tell you, We're all on your side!”

Glinda and Elphaba: β€œThough I do admit it came on fast, Still I do believe that it can last. And I will be loathing. For, forever loathing. Truly, deeply loathing you, My whole life long!”

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LOATHE - meaning

When you hate someone so much you wish they would die. You wish their family would die. If you're in a room with them you would most likely kill them on the spot.

I loathe that fucker.

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LOATHE - definition

A large amount of hate for someone or something.

I loath that mean chick over there! I just really hate her!

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LOATHE - slang

To strongly dislike something!

I loathe people who look down on the act of fucking sheep and other farm animals and other livestock.

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disgust, severe hatred, painfully anguishing.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

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there's hate, and then there's hate with a strong passion, that's what loathe is.

with all the hate, greed, violence, lies, love, likes, relationships, religions, politics. i have become akin to loathe people of all types.

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like hate, to be so discusted with somone that you might as well take a pole out and beat him or her so that he or she is indistinguishable.

I loathe him so much that I could beat him with a pole until his face is unrecognizeable.

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