Definder - what does the word mean?


n. The sexual act of having sex with a girl who is menstrating and getting blood onto her vagina, then at her orgasm pulling out and smacking her with your testacles.

Dude I had sex with Brittney the other night, when I saw she was on her period, I pulled a Living Water Candy Apple on her!

👍25 👎15



LIVING WATER - what is it?

Living water - A water that gives you life and immortality. It also means that the water is living. It is alive. The water is living so it is alive.

I lend my friend some living water.

👍25 👎11

What does "LIVING WATER" mean?

GOD is Water, Living Water.%100pure .....has memory/As hard 7Billion gig. hard drive. We are all a puddle of mom ... Drinking Dead Water, may not be the best for kids. B AWARE. (dehydrates,red cells. ) go you may crazy. Sky is Water, Itis pure . GOD(WATER) is in . Water is god.

The time iss now, you all must know.Good is water, water it is He GOD. IN ME LIVING WATER (BDA) ,,you and everything .Jesus israel.

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LIVING WATER - what does it mean?

Jizz or cum liquid or substance that is ejactulated during sex (sperm, cum, jizz)

Group 4 keeps talking about living water...

👍27 👎13

LIVING WATER - meaning

Jizz or cum liquid or substance that is ejactulated during sex (sperm, cum, jizz)

Group 4 keeps talking about living water...

👍25 👎11