Definder - what does the word mean?

What is L ratio?

The goddest tier of arguments. If you decide to say this, you won. Unless you are almost and very close to losing, this is the best way to climb back up

Person 1: You are literally toxic, you keep saying ez and its completely usele-
Person 2: L + Ratio + You Fell Off

👍183 👎53

L ratio - video


L ratio - what is it?

What people will say if you get beaten badly in a game.

"Oh you're so bad at this game! L+ratio+try harder"

👍25 👎13

What does "L ratio" mean?

L + Ratio + Lost
Loser + ratio + lost + confusion + 0 IQ + spinning in circles + bot + discombobulation

goes 0 and 30
L + ratio + lost + confusion + 0 IQ + spinning in circles + bot + discombobulation

👍41 👎99

L ratio - what does it mean?

Usually used in Instagram and TikTok. This phrase is used to determine whether someone is agreeing with an opinion or not, and their comment usually ends up having more likes than the opinion.

-Hitler is ass
-L + Ratio bozo

👍747 👎215

L ratio - meaning

The L-ratio is described as a series of unfortunate events; a person taking the L.

Taylor is really living the L-Ratio right now.

👍149 👎449

L ratio - definition

Mainly used when people don't agree with your opinion.

Overused and annoying too.

Person 2: l + ratio


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L ratio - slang

The true signs of degeneracy on the internet

Dude 1: *insert upcoming game here* is going to be mid
Dude 2: L + Ratio + nobody cares

👍27 👎13

L ratio

When you annoy someone a lot they will say this for some reason, why? idk


👍49 👎17

L ratio

A subtext being used when someone hates another person

Loser: I just made this furry nft

Smart Person: L+Ratio

👍271 👎125

L ratio

Refers to the idea of losing in an embarassing fashion, usually a landslide loss.

He got absolutely L+ratioed yesterday when we played Super Smash Brothers

👍261 👎53