Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kubu's?

𝐊𝐮𝐛𝐮 is a girl's name derived from arabic name 𝒌𝒖𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒉 which means Great....

But in every language Kubu means Kubu itself...

People-Hey,What's your name?
Kubu- My name is Kubu
People- What does kubu mean?
Kubu- Kubu means 'kubu'

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Kubu's - meme gif

Kubu's meme gif

Kubu's - video


Kubu's - what is it?

Pseudonym of an infamous representative of the long extinct Beat culture. Few actual
facts are known, but his birthplace is widely believed to be the USSR. Rumored to have spent his early years in Brooklyn but having to move to "hell on earth" (NJ)in his later teens. Constantly drawn back to NY
by several factors, mainly his longtime heroin and cocaine addictions. Currently resides in a state of flux.

herbert kubus kubus huncke kubus burroughs heroin junkie cocaine goldfishes

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What does "Kubu's" mean?

Looks like it should be pronounced Koo-Boo but is actually pronounced Kum-Boo. Surname, Figian in origin.

Kubu's are historically totally awesome people.

Kubu's have big hearts and like to make you giggle!

Kubu: Hi, my name's (insert name here) Kum-Boo.

Friend: No it's not it's Koo-Boo

Kubu: No, it's Kum-Boo, it has a silent 'M' in it.

Freind: Oohhh (feels sheepish)

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Kubu's - what does it mean?

The most amazing polish drink in the universe. Also, the only drink that makes carrots taste good.

I'm drinking Kubus." "LET ME GET SOME!

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