Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kirking?

A really awesome guy, who looks at you with smiling eyes, and makes your heart jump, and your face go bright red like hot chill! He's give's out such lovely compliments and is such a gentlemen.

You: Hey Kirk, how's it going?

Kirk: I'm sweet, how are you? you're looking real fact you always do.

You: *bright red, fanning your face* Owww Kirk! *melt*

👍237 👎51

Kirking - meme gif

Kirking meme gif

Kirking - video


Kirking - what is it?

aloof, mysterious, misunderstood, creative, wise, understanding, empathetic, carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. Constantly thinking big, a humanitarian, philosophical, intelligent. Very slow to anger, but when pushed to breaking point, fights like a demon. periodically lapses into bouts of depression. A romantic (secretly) prefers to play it cool, a drifter. Potentially as bad-ass as John Connor. His presence lingers. A spectre at times, dissappearing into the ether.

I got distracted by a passing gypsy, and then - like a kirk - he was gone!....

👍793 👎151

What does "Kirking" mean?

(verb) The act of rapid clicking of computer mouse buttons while computer is frozen.
See also, kirkin

She was frantically kirking trying to get the Mapquest window to close before the staff meeting.

👍175 👎29

Kirking - what does it mean?

1)The act of getting an individual extremely high and presuading them into purchasing items they dont need. Items purchased generally benefit the "Kirker."
2)The act of bullshiting beyond belief and or making empty promises to gain a free ride.

Dude, your fucking Kirking me right now.
-But you need this man? Honestly, what will you do without it?
God damn it, Alright. Lets get it.

Dude, come test drive this car with me, we'll test drive it together.
-Yeah man, ill drive because obviously you have no car.
Dude, uh, your gonna have to wait in his driveway while me and him test drive it.
-Fuck man. You fucking Kirked me.

👍35 👎81

Kirking - meaning

The act of shitting your pants while at work or in public.

If I let this fart go I'm probably going to be kirking myself

👍37 👎75

Kirking - definition

A person that is a giant pussy, often gets offended by the Internet. They have a gaping vagina and claim nothing makes is sore. However, a combination of retardation and being ugly as fuck helps to prove otherwise.

Why are you always kirking ? You catch feeling all the time like a little bitch.

👍29 👎21

Kirking - slang

When one drinks too much on the weekend and then realizes before they go to sleep that work is going to suck tomorrow.
Also is known to put hoes before bros.

Steve: Dude it's Sunday. You're drinking way too much and kirking yourself for the rest of the week.
Brian: Ugh work is gonna suck tomorrow.

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(verb) A term for all the times in a sci-fi show and/or movie that a character has sex with an alien. A reference to Captian Kirk from Star Trek, often used in a phrase such as "Kirking it up"

Commander Richer from Star Trek Next Generation kirking it up a lot this episode.

👍51 👎87


To have several relationships with hot women in short periods of time with no attatchment whatsoever.

Derived from Captain James T. Kirk of Star Trek TOS.

Dude, he was so kirking while he was in Austrailia, it was insane.

👍99 👎125


Mainly used in the D.C. area it means to go crazy;to spaz out on someone; to over react; to curse someone out

DUde; yo what happened?
Girl: that girl tried to swizz me outta ma money
Dude:O thats why you was kirking out on her
Girl: yea i dont play that

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